Clear Your Aura DI
AN 18-MINUTE SELF-HYPNOSIS that will clear your aura and get you energetically grounded. Designed by leading manifestation experts. Backed by neuroscience.
*This DI is automatically available for current TBM members inside The Pathway.
Clear Your Aura DI
18 mins
au·ra [noun]
The unseen energetic field that surrounds your physical body.
As you move through the world, Your aura picks up external energy that can make you feel foggy, drained, or unlike yourself. This track will clear your auric field to ground you back into your magnetic self.
When To Use This DI
To start or end your day
When feeling drained, foggy, or in a funk
After a triggering experience
When you are people-pleasing
As a self-care ritual
This DI Will Help You
Ground back into your own energy
Shake off the day or any negative experience
Expand your energetic body
Reconnect with your magnetic self
Clear energetic fatigue
To start the day
End the day
Shed negative energy
Embrace being seen
To start the day • End the day • Shed negative energy • Embrace being seen •

Clear Your Aura DI
18 mins
Deep Imaginings (DIs) are like meditations, but better because they’re formulated with cutting edge tools in neuroscience & psychology.
Self-hypnosis Audio
Deep Theta Waves
Somatic Experiencing