Our Commitment to Inclusivity

We want to be really good at one thing, and that’s manifestation. It’s our mission to provide accessible tools for everyone to find the freedom, autonomy and independence they deserve– no matter their background. We have compiled a list of resources from experts on Anti-Racism and have linked them here. We will continue to highlight BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, & more diverse voices on our podcast, testimonials, on our team, in our community group and beyond. Read more about our commitment to inclusion below…


Our goal is to empower everyone to shed the societal and systematic programming and limiting beliefs that hold us back. When we dig into the fear and unpack it, we are better able to uplift others by leading with love and authenticity.⁣⁣⁣ We understand that due to certain societal systems, this is much more difficult for certain groups of people. This is why we are passionate about continuously taking steps to make this work more inclusive, accessible, and welcoming for everyone. ⁣⁣⁣

Here’s how we are moving forward and we will continue to update this page as we make progress.

We have hired Dr. Tara Swart who is a neuroscientist, psychiatrist, an award-winning author, and she is also on faculty at M.I.T. Dr. Tara is committed to providing the scientific evidence of why our Pathway membership and workshops achieve real results while also creating practices that can help reprogram systemic biases. Our number one priority is to make the content of our workshops more inclusive, but she will also be advising us on our social content, podcast, and website. 

⁣⁣⁣This is where we are starting, but this work will also inform ongoing future content, podcast conversations, guests, and brand communications. We also continually strive to hire more diversity so that we can have more equal representation on our team.

⁣⁣⁣It is our mission at To Be Magnetic to ensure that our tools are accessible to all. This won’t happen overnight, but we’ll be continuing this work thoughtfully, thoroughly, and under the advisement of true experts. ⁣⁣⁣

THE PATHWAY SCHOLARSHIP • We offer discounted rates to anyone whose circumstances may prevent them from affording the full price Pathway membership. This program is open for anyone to apply regardless of orientation or background. We award up to ten free scholarships monthly and approve discounted memberships based on a percentage of our Pathway sales each month. Apply here.

THE MOTIVATION • We’ve included two tabs under The Motivation for BIPOC and LGTBQIA+ to more easily find visibility of expanders in these communities, which will automatically take you to podcast episodes, as well as written and video testimonials from Pathway members. Click here

EXPANDED PODCAST • We will continue sharing and increasing the presence of BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ voices and expanders on our podcast. 

THE PATHWAY • We worked with Dr. Tara Swart to go through each workshop to ensure our content is effective and inclusive. 

OUT OF YOUR CONTROL • Throughout our workshops and content, you will hear about how energy, subconscious, and conscious belief systems attract your reality and determine what you manifest. 

However, It’s important to recognize that there are systems of oppression, injustice, marginalization, and abuse that are out of your control. We want you to understand that you did nothing to negatively attract these situations— it is not your fault. Please know that we are not insinuating that you are attracting negativity or being punished because of these situations or events. If you have experienced this level of trauma we highly recommend doing this work alongside a therapist or licensed professional. 

You did not attract oppression or abuse and you deserve safety, freedom, and respect. The goal of our tools is to empower you to transform your mindset and help you to reprogram subconscious limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in old thought patterns.

We will continue to develop tools to help support those of you who have experienced or continue to experience any of the above.

CALLING IN VS CALLING OUT • We are all in different places on our journey and deserve compassion and grace to change and evolve. We do not condone call-out or cancel culture. We reserve the right to remove anyone who is committing slander or making our community unsafe.