Manifestation Glossary

Authentic Self

The version of yourself that you were when you were first born, before any negative programming, pain, trauma, shame or conditioning you received while growing up. The goal of TBM’s work is to remove this conditioning and programming to get back to who you really are on a soul level - your authentic self.


The limiting beliefs that are low self-worth and keep you in old patterns and habits. They “block” you from your manifestations and magnetism.

Bridge Expanders

Expanders who aren't exactly where you want to be, but they're a step above where you are now. They can help bridge the distance between where you are and where you're desiring to go.


The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

Deep Imaginings™ (DIs)

Our proprietary audio-based recorded exercises that allow your subconscious mind (where you manifest from) to come forward in a theta or alpha (hypnotic) state. You will use these to reprogram and reinforce neural pathways, and to take inventory of aspects of self and your life that are out of alignment. They’re a more targeted and impactful combination of self-hypnosis and guided meditation.


The energetics behind being disconnected from an egoic outcome or objective.

Deep Imagining™ Library

A library of neural reprogramming and reinforcing audios (Deep Imaginings or DIs) to use daily when you are not working through a specific workshop. These audios help reinforce new neural pathways and clear blocks. 

Dog Paddling

Trying to force or will something into existence. Desperating grasping at control because of a lack of trust in yourself and the universe. 

Ego Dance 

The inauthentic actions you take or ways you present yourself to put on a show for others in order to be liked, loved, and accepted. 


The energy based meaning behind certain actions, choices, beliefs, and memories that communicates to the universe your level of subconscious worthiness. 


Wanting something that someone else has. Not to be confused with jealousy (also defined in this glossary). Envy helps to highlight exactly where you need expansion and to integrate a shadow aspect of self or humanity. 


The influence of the environment on the expression of your genes; certain lifestyle factors and deeply rooted beliefs can switch on or off the expression of certain traits. 


An Expander is a person that you identify with that’s already been where you are now, and has gone on to become successful in, owns, or embodies what you want (job, relationship, house, success, friendships, relationship with self, etc). They allow you to “see to believe” that what you want is possible - the feeling of “Oh if they can have/do that, I totally can too!”

Fight or Flight 

When your brain perceives you are in danger, the sympathetic nervous system goes into fight or flight mode. This state may involve increased blood pressure, shallow breathing and the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Even mild stress in this state can reduce the prefrontal cortex’s ability to regulate emotions. Triggers (that act as blocks in manifestation) usually cause this to varying degrees.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2907136/


Living in and being aligned with your authentic essence. A feeling of ease when your manifestations are coming through. You also become much more magnetic and your life just “flows”. You experience your particular version of success. 

Fragment Expanders™

Expanders that represent “fragments” of what you’re manifesting, rather than the entire picture. To some extent, most Expanders will be Fragment Expanders, since we are all such unique, individual beings.

Integrated / Integrate / Integration

Until we reclaim denied aspects of ourselves & humanity, and unplug them from pain, shame, & programming, they will continue to own us (have power over us). Integration allows you to fully accept anyone or anything that activates you, while keeping your boundaries in place. The process is part of shadow work and involves investigating how every person/situation is a mirror of qualities that you deemed unloveable earlier in your life. This is due to experiencing or witnessing pain, shame and programming telling you you wouldn't be loved if you had this quality/situation.


Downloads or pings we receive as deep and clear knowings that come to the forefront of our consciousness to aid in connecting back to our truest, most authentic self. This will never feel like an anxious intrusive thought.


Looking at the people and situations that surround you with radical honesty and determining if they are serving and supporting your magnetism, or holding you back.


Fear of losing something you have. When you experience jealousy, you’re being triggered around an unmet childhood need. You’re being asked to provide this unmet need to yourself now to heal and integrate it.

Limiting Beliefs

Deeply-rooted subconscious beliefs about your self-worth that keep you small, disempowered, and settling for less than you deserve.

Magic Dark

The uncomfortable in-between time after you’ve been tested, but your manifestations haven’t come through yet, and nothing is showing up. You may feel tempted to revert back to old habits or reconnect to low self-worth situations, but this is the ultimate test of trust. When you can show that you trust the universe and stand in your worth throughout this period, you’ll notice the tide eventually shifts and your manifestations begin to appear. 


The energetics behind completely being your whole, authentic self, which creates a magnet-like pull bringing your manifestations towards you. This is why this work is based around increasing your subconscious self worth; it’s what also increases your magnetism.   

Major Manifestations

The big manifestations that would change your life, but are completely doable in the next 6-12 months if you delve into Neural Manifestation work. Example: An aligned partner that lives in the same city as you and fits your full list, even though you have a history of settling in relationships.

Mini Manifestations

If you’re new to this process, start with smaller material items to help you begin to see your patterns and cultivate trust in your ability to co-create. Example: The specific pair of jeans you want and know you’ll wear all the time at 50% off, vintage crystal cocktail glasses under $25, etc.


Myelination is the process of coating neural pathways with a fatty substance called myelin that speeds transmission along neurons. This activity improves the efficiency of neural processes and can be supported with as little as a 10-minute DI because this transformation relies on repetition.

Neural Audio

These neural audios (aka DIs) are our proprietary blend of hypnotic audio exercises that allow you to access your deep subconscious mind (where we manifest from) in a theta or alpha (hypnotic) state. We use these audios to reprogram neural pathways through exercises that take inventory of the physical and internal aspects of self that are out of alignment. Or to reinforce new neural pathways through visualization that is more aligned with your authentic self. 

Neural Manifestation

TBM’s manifestation process backed by neuroscience, psychology, epigenetics, and energetics. Our process is based on raising your subconscious self-worth and stepping into your unique authenticity by reprogramming the subconscious limiting beliefs that you picked up during childhood, and throughout your life.

Neural Pathway

A series of connected nerve cells (neurons) along which electrical impulses travel within the brain and body, releasing chemical messages between them to pass the electrical impulses along. These pathways lay the foundation for your cognition (subconscious beliefs, thoughts, emotions, habits and behaviour patterns) which is the foundation of where you manifest from. When you reprogram, you’re weakening old pathways with limiting beliefs, and strengthening new pathways with high self-worth beliefs.

Neural Reinforcing Audio

These are our Deep Imagining audio recordings containing self-hypnosis that allow your subconscious mind (where we manifest from) to come forward in a theta or alpha (hypnotic) state. These audios reinforce new neural pathways that are more aligned with your authentic self. The actual reinforcement happens when you experience – in the subconscious – the integration with your higher self-worth essence, behavior, beliefs, outcomes or experiences. This new belief shifts what you’re projecting energetically.

Neural Reprogramming Audio 

These are our Deep Imagining audio recordings containing self-hypnosis that allow your subconscious mind (where we manifest from) to come forward in a theta or alpha (hypnotic) state in order to reprogram neural pathways formed during childhood. The actual reprogramming happens when you experience – in the subconscious – a higher self-worth behavior, belief, outcome or experience where a previously undesirable outcome occurred. Through repetition and emotional intensity, we can overwrite limiting beliefs to create lasting change.


Neurogenesis is the development of neural cells around the memory centers of the brain (hippocampus), which then become fully formed neurons and connect up to other existing neurons. As we lay down new memories, new connections and pathways are embedded. This process requires more intensity of effort and can be supported with a 25-30 minute DI.


Hits of intuition that tell you to do a specific thing, go to a specific place, etc. Your intuitive roadmap. These will never appear as anxious intrusive thoughts. 

Physical Conscious Reinforcement

Actionable steps that you can take on a daily basis (in a conscious state) that reinforce the work you are doing with your subconscious in these workshops.

Physical Plane

The actual physical world that we live in as physical beings that have physical needs. Rather than the energetic and subsconscious plane.

Prefrontal Cortex 

This part of the brain is responsible for executive functions such as memory, attention, planning, problem-solving and emotional regulation. It also allows for the encoding and retrieval of memories, which are a vital part of the reprogramming and reinforcing work. 



Reality Expanders™

Someone in your life who gives you a “reality check” and makes you realize maybe you don’t want what you thought you did.


This act strengthens the new neural pathways that are in alignment with your highest, most authentic self. Through repetition and emotional intensity, we can shift what you’re projecting energetically and begin to integrate this energy on the physical plane. 

Rest & Digest 

This activity in the parasympathetic nervous system helps restore normal functioning to the body, decreasing blood pressure, facilitating digestion and increasing blood flow to organs. It feels grounded and calm. This state may enable access to all the abilities of the prefrontal cortex. 


This act overwrites old neural pathways of low self-worth beliefs you picked up in childhood by showing yourself a higher self-worth behavior, belief, outcome or experience to a previously undesirable one. Through repetition and emotional intensity, we can overwrite the limiting beliefs to create lasting change.

Root Belief

The root belief is connected to a past memory that created the limiting belief currently looping in your subconscious. It’s typically imprinted during childhood to enforce pain, shame or programming. When you uncover these root beliefs/memories, you can reprogram them to reinforce beliefs that better align with the life you desire. Root beliefs are usually things like: unlovable, unworthy, undeserving, lack, scarcity etc.


If you feel like you’re in a rockbottom, learn more here


If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, learn more here.


Qualities within humanity, or yourself, that you’ve deemed as unloveable due to the pain & shame you’ve experienced or witnessed. You’ve disowned these aspects of yourself and placed them in your "shadow". This creates low self-worth on a subconscious level.

Staying Grounded

Being fully in your body with a calm nervous system. You can do this using tools such as time in nature, baths, Deep Imaginings, meditation, herbal support, physical movement, rest, etc. 

Situational Magnetism (aka Instant Magnetism)

An instant boost of magnetism that you can tap into when you're trying to bolster your trust muscle in your manifestation practice. If you are new to this work or haven’t had a big manifestation come through yet, this can help you build trust in yourself and the process, and motivate you. You create situational magnetism by stepping through any fear you have, big or small.

Subconscious Reprogramming

This is the process of rewiring  your subconscious, thanks to neuroplasticity: the fact that your brain is malleable throughout life. To reprogram, you must enter a hypnotic theta state (through Deep Imaginings or DIs) to access the limiting low self-worth beliefs that live in the subconscious. You then override this old neural pathway with a new one by showing your subconscious an alternative belief. With repetition and consistency, this changes how you show up in the world, as well as the energetics you’re projecting to the Universe. This is because you manifest from your subconscious belief system.

Synaptic Connection

Connecting up more of your existing neurons through the junctions (synapses) that spread the chemical and electrical messages along neural pathways in the brain. These connections strengthen the neural pathways and help to overwrite old, unhelpful thoughts and beliefs. This process also helps to overwrite old, unhelpful thoughts and beliefs and can be supported with a 15-20 minute DI.


Opportunities, situations, triggers, and relationships that ask us if we'll continue settling for less than we deserve or slip back into old low self-worth patterns and habits. They're not pass/fail, just an opportunity for learning, healing, and growth. They're also how we communicate to the Universe how we value ourselves. Whether we respond with an action that comes from high self-worth or low self-worth is what determines how quickly we’ll progress in our manifestation practice. ⁣


A trigger is anything that creates an emotional and egoic reaction from you. It does not have to be associated with what you want to manifest. However, triggers will affect your manifestation process, as they usually point to your blocks. You’ve hit a trigger when a person or situation makes you activated or react in a way of judgment, anger, low self-worth, extreme sadness, pain, jealousy, etc. Triggers serve as mirrors for what needs to be unblocked, healed, and integrated.


This state of being is open, free, has boundaries, is authentic, and has reprogrammed limiting beliefs in the subconscious. You’ve removed the old patterns that don't serve you (blocks) and created magnetism!


 TBM Workshop Names & Terms Updates

In some earlier episodes of Supported or The Expanded Podcast, you may have heard Lacy or the team mention workshop names or terms that we no longer use. If you’re looking for one of these older terms or workshops, here’s the present day equivalent...

Old Name → Current Name

The Formula & Magnetism Workshop → How To Manifest 

The Unblocked Reparent Workshop → Unblocked Inner Child 

The Unblocked Partnership Workshop → Unblocked Love

The Unblocked Opulence Workshop → Unblocked Money 

The Unblocked No Workshop → Unblocked Boundaries 

The Daily Reprogramming Exercise Workshop (The “DRE”) → The Daily Practice 

A “DRE” or Daily Reprogramming Exercise → A “DI” or Deep Imagining