An Unexpected Present While Learning to Manifest

Trigger Warning: This testimonial briefly mentions sexual abuse as it relates to this members manifestation journey and the trauma they’ve overcome.

Name: Michelle Michelini

Where do you reside?: Plymouth, Michigan

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: I was born in the United States, but my grandparents were immigrants, so my parents were culturally first-generation citizens who were very naive in the ways of the world. My mother was extremely damaged as a child and targeted me to take out her frustrations. My father was an alcoholic, but I felt loved by him. My grandfather was inappropriate with me but thankfully never raped me, which I think he could have been capable of. 

I had a good grandmother who made me know that I had a hint of my self-worth somewhere inside so that small light that she encouraged gave me the courage to find a decent place in my world. I am a smart person, so I am lucky that I could use my intelligence to overcome a lot of emotional issues, but I am looking forward to unpacking the emotional aspects on this journey.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: So far, I only have a few things. I wanted a small ring that I had already manifested, which truly surprised me when it happened. I have a new home on my list and a career that fulfills me, and I would like to also manifest a strong and supportive friendship. My best friend died a few months ago, which has broken my heart, but I know there is someone else out there who would be a wonderful friend that I can find and connect with who will be supportive. My manifestation practice suffered much during her last months, and I have been grieving hard, so I am grateful to be getting back to it now.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I am early in the process, but I have done Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, and How to Manifest so far.

What expanders did you find?: I have a few expanders. I have some social media expanders, like Tracy Anderson, who gives these amazing talks about being authentic, and she really lives her life in her way. I am amazed by her. I also think Goldie Hawn is an amazing celebrity expander who is so supportive and loving toward her children and all children globally. I often do the DI and imagine her as the mother I could have had. I also have some non-celebrity expanders that are close to home, supportive and successful women with whom I work now, and others like that who are partial expanders. 

I am just starting, so I am working on my expanders. I think of Lacy as an expander, and Dr. Tara is amazing too. I also love to listen to Jessica. She is so honest and vulnerable when she shares her stories. I admire that in her and in others, and I strive to be more like that in my own life. I think I am an expander for younger women at work who seek my advice, so I try to be a good expander for others if that makes sense.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I did have a test for a new job. It was PERFECT in almost everything, but I would have taken a $50,000 pay cut, which is a substantial amount of money for me. I felt that this was a real test because it was an ideal job, and I would have jumped at it if the salary was higher. I kept telling myself that the money was no big deal and I would be happier, but I knew it was a test. So, I turned down the job, but I get confused because I often regret it when I look back. However, I still think, and I know it was a test, so I am still waiting for my real career manifestation to come through. 

Since I make $300k now and have a very nice job where I am respected and empowered to do what I want, I think I make it harder for myself because I don't want to give up the nice position that I have now. I often wonder why I want a new career, but I know I am not fulfilled, and there is something else out there. I think I need to do clarity, but the pathway suggests Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Shadow, so I am planning to do those first. I took the curation test, and there isn't really a way to say that I am clueless about what I want. Haha : ) So, I am just starting on the suggested journey.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: I feel I have had some magic darks in my life, even before the pathway, so I intuitively understand this idea but never had the words for it. I have not had one since I started this yet, but in my life, it always seems like when I am just floating in this sort of unknown abyss, something comes through. Like when I give up and just cannot think of a way out, then suddenly I get clarity. Is that a magic dark? Not sure. Also, I have this very strange energy that I can feel what other people are feeling. 

I often have people crying in my office and telling me their innermost thoughts because I say something like, you seem sad, and then suddenly they are opening up to me. So, I think I can see when others are in a magic dark too. I have a lot of questions about this idea. I need to listen to supported on this topic, I think.

How did your manifestation come through?: My little ring was my one manifestation. I wrote it down, and the next week, I was traveling to KY with my husband, and we happened to randomly be walking after dinner and stopped into a store, and there it was. I always thought I should want a big diamond ring, and that's what I have for my engagement/wedding ring, but I didn't really want that. I just wanted a nice band with some little diamonds around it, so I unblocked what I "should" have from what I authentically wanted. So, in the store, I casually mentioned to him that I liked it, but I didn't tell him to buy it. 

Then he gave it to me for our anniversary. I was really shocked and a little scared when it happened. It is strange, so I will say that I have always had a deep sense that I would make plenty of money. I never thought I might have money problems or anything like that, so I don't have money on my list. However, it is interesting to me that, since I am not blocked about money, I make a lot and seem to get raises and promotions pretty easily. I just think about wanting a new role or something, and suddenly it just comes to me. So, I think I am a natural manifester in some areas, so I get that idea, but I don't have the self-worth to apply it broadly. 

My father used to say, "You can do anything you want, you should make your own money, don't rely on men to support you, etc." So, that's just what I really believe to this day. So, that kind of follows Lacy's model, I think. However, I make good money, but my career is not very fulfilling, so I see the problem that has been created for me. It is hard to leave a job that pays well to find something that moves your soul, but that is the work I need to do now. But when I manifested the ring, I realized that when I was clear about what I really wanted, drawing that ring to myself came as easy as pie, kind of like money. So, it was a real learning experience for me.

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: One week. If it didn't happen to me that way, I would not have believed it. It is truly that simple and kind of scared me that it happened and proved to me that it is pretty simple in terms of the process. I mean, if you apply it.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I only did one, but I listen to things by Lacy and the coaches every day, and I am very focused on following the process. I had listened to every podcast and Supported, even back when Lila was doing them. I always wondered what happened to her. I listened way before I did the pathway.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I have a little block timer, and it has 15-minute increments (15, 30, 45, 60), so when you flip it, it counts down. No matter how busy I am, I flip for at least the 15-minute side and do something, listen to the podcast, Supported, or a DI to make progress on a workshop. I find that I always go longer than 15 minutes. But, this is the commitment I make, and I try to stick to it every day.

if you'd like, please include your IG handle:: michellemichelini (but I don't use it much right now since I'm taking a break from social media)

Is there anything else you think we should know? If you made this process your own in any way, this is the perfect spot to share that.: My son is gay, so I didn't check the LGBTQ+, but I am very interested in the community and how to be supportive to him. I always appreciate everything you do in that regard, and your work has helped me be sure he feels loved and accepted for who he is, so thank you for all you do to help there. Also, I didn't know what to check below on the motivation or being featured on the podcast. If this would help someone else, you may use it how you see fit. 

I am kind of shy, but happy to talk to you in person if you think it would be helpful. I am 54, so I think I am way older than your average audience, but I don't see why I shouldn't still try to manifest. I don't feel like my life is over, and I want to use my time to be the best I can be for myself and my family. So, I guess I will check both.


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