
The 4 Manifestation Mistakes You are Probably Making

Manifestation is a bit more complex than vision boarding and keeping your vibes high. While we don't believe in the old "raise your frequency" or "think positive" approach, we can provide you with grounded, actionable steps to make major changes in your life.

If your manifestations keep falling short, below are the 4 mistakes you’re probably making:

1. You know what you want but you don’t believe you deserve it (hello, low self-worth). Consciously or not, you are sabotaging your manifestations because what you attract matches exactly what you subconsciously believe you’re worth.

2. Your actions don’t match your intentions. You say that you want a healthy relationship but you only choose emotionally unavailable partners. You say that you want financial abundance but you accept minimum wage jobs. The Universe responds to actions based on self-worth - not thoughts.

3. You’re angry, frustrated, or feeling low but you keep trying to ‘think positive.' You don’t acknowledge or address your emotions, so your ‘happy thoughts’ are just masks keeping you in the same cycle. Rather than suppressing your "negative" feelings, you need to access the root of your emotions to successfully manifest.

4. You're relying on "visualizing" the life you want. You can daydream for hours but nothing will come to fruition unless you believe it's possible for you. Instead of imagining your ideal life or creating vision boards, take action in seeking out "expanders." These are people who already embody, have or are successful in what you want to manifest. They will show your subconscious that it's possible for you, too.

In a manifestation rut?
It's time to try a new technique.

Our process takes a simple, psychological approach to help you take a deep inward look and create a new life. By rewiring your neural pathways to grow your self-worth, we change your mind to change your reality. Invest in yourself with To Be Magnetic.

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