Deepening Trust Muscle for My Mission

Hi Lacy and team! First off, thank you!! I have completely dove into your work and am pretty sure I have done every single workshop, including working from Rock Bottom early in the year to the Rut and am now in the midst of Uplevel. 

It has been truly incredible and I have continued deepening my trust muscle and watching the manifestations coming through. Over the past few months, I have really dug deep and processed what I enjoy doing and what comes naturally and the kind of life I want. I transitioned out of my residential real estate career that was out of alignment and causing so much stress and have launched my new brand Go Koko while traveling Europe (I am currently in London now contemplating a partial move). I created Go Koko as a social platform for young girls (8-14) to teach confidence, positivity and lifestyle tips across a variety of social networks and will be launching an online course soon. 

We share the same social vision to promote empowered authentic females (and people) living their dreams and you are such an inspiration. The world needs more of us and I am making it my aligned mission, manifestor style. Without your work I never would have launched Go Koko. Thank you for all you do! I am realizing it is not an easy job but an incredibly fulfilling one and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for blazing a trail. Social media often gets a bad reputation and I want to use the platform in the way you do - to make a positive difference in the world. Sending love and sparkle! 

-Kori Kurtz, Founder of Go Koko!




Italian Citizenship & Passport


An Expanding Post for Actors