Expanding Career as an Artist

I had a career in media sales that I felt done with, I was always an artist at heart but did not know how to earn money as an artist. These two parts of my life seemed to be at odds. I would either make art and make no money, or make money and not make art. The surrender was just giving up that I knew how to integrate these two worlds. I didn’t fucking know how to integrate them. 

I found expanders on instagram, and took an online creativity course. My position at work went through some terrible changes, but I was still hanging on because I didn’t know what else to do. I was so conditioned to stay even though it was a bad situation. I felt like the universe had to issue the invitation for the next thing, and it hadn’t come through yet. I made art whenever I could, intuitive macrame and abstract paintings. I became free to create like never before; I had no mental interference. I had headaches and brain fog and exhaustion, dizziness, balance issues, cognitive losses. But I had context. I had actually asked for this surrender. Seeing things from this view made all of it beautiful. During my recovery I snuck on to Instagram to find more expanders, and found so many artists and creatives hacking their way into making a good living. I became determined to be one of them. 

I’m a Projector by human design, so my injury has only enhanced living my design by enforcing rest and taking me out of the possibility of 9-5, my brain simply stops functioning with too much stress or technology use. I manifested this gallery show with the help and magic of two other female artists who I met just after giving up on meeting other artists in my area. Yep I’m in the valley, Woodland Hills, the burbs, I’m at the base of Topanga.



I Quit My Job and Passed Tests for My Business


New Career and a Raise After Starting