How I Got an Extra Yoga Bolster

Manifestation Alert!!! I've had these beautiful yoga pillows from Brentwood Homes on my wishlist for almost a year. I was listening to a Supported episode the other day when I heard Lacy mention, for the second or third time recently, that you could relax deeper into the DIs with a propped up head/back and a bolster under your legs (to suspend your feet in the air). I decided to finally take the plunge, and ordered a wedge foam pillow and a yoga bolster, totaling $145 on sale. I decided it was worth it to support my practice, and my sleep/physical health (I'm trying to learn to be a back sleeper because side sleeping has messed up my hip alignment). Well my packages came in three days early yesterday AND... They accidently shipped me my order + an extra $75 bolster. I contacted the store today (Integrity is part of my authentic code), and they gave me permission to keep the extra as a gift! Not sure if I'll use it or save it as a gift for a loved one, but wowwwww to that Unblocked Money 💞


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