I Felt In My Gut That it was My Apartment

I decided to try manifesting my ideal apartment after taking the How to Manifest workshop and listening to Caitlin's house manifestation story on the podcast. I began by listening to pings for what my heart was calling out for -- to live alone in a bright, happy apartment with my dog, in unit laundry (luxury in my city and budget constraints), cute shops and restaurants nearby, and a shorter commute to work. I wrote out my specific list of everything I wanted in my next place (hardwood floors, updated appliances, a tub for baths, etc.), as well my budget. Every day after I would either do Inner Child or the Prosperity DRE to reprogram the limiting beliefs that I was unworthy, too poor, and too low for the place I desired. I started paying special attention to women I resonated with on social media that were living alone. I reached out to old and new friends who lived solo and asked about their experience. I even DM'd a girl I haven't seen in years who ended up sending me a video apartment tour. I scheduled showings, letting my gut decide. 

After weeks of this and turning down tests that seemed perfect but didn't feel right, my search was in a rut. It felt like there was nothing left, time was running out, and the urge to settle was real. I continued with Inner Child and the prosperity DRE. I turned down showings friends told me to settle for. One night I had a conversation with the Universe, saying, "I'm ready. Show me the apartment please! I get you're trying to make sure, but I'm telling you I'm ready!" The next day, I saw a listing on craigslist that was posted 20 days prior but just updated within the hour. I reached out and the leasing agent responded right away. She had an opening to see it 9am the next morning (a Wednesday during busy season at work). Miraculously, my boss was totally fine with me taking the morning off. 

I met the woman, saw the unit, and felt in my gut that it was my apartment. Everything was checked off my list with a few modifications that were even better than what I wanted -- sunny, updated one bedroom, wood floors, high ceilings, dogs allowed, $50 less than my budget, walking distance from my favorite restaurant in the city, updated bathroom with full bath, my own full size, free washer and dryer (most units in my price range are a combo W/D, some don't even have laundry on the premises) in the exposed brick, bright and clean basement (think: W/D indoor, steps from my unit, without having to hear it), my own storage unit at no additional cost, and my work commute cut in half. There were no applications in and I snatched that place up in what the leasing agent said was the fastest turnaround she's ever seen. Needless to say, this shit works! Thank you Lacy! Can't wait to see what else I manifest. 



How to Manifest


My Dream Apartment + 35k to Start My Business


I Realized it Was Time to Cut The Bullsh*t