I Finally Got My iPhone!

Here's a mini manifestation for you all! I have been doing the How to Manifest for the last few weeks ~ I have been wanting the new Iphone for a couple months now (I had been using a 6s for the last 3 years I think) but it wasn't something I put on my list for whatever reason. The other reason for me wanting to upgrade my phone was that I wanted to get off of my family cell phone plan to close that portal. My mom pays my cell phone bill and I pay her back, but its not strict and I usually just toss her a few hundred dollars in cash every 6 months. We often go over our data limit, and she always covers the extra costs, so I felt like this portal was still open to an extent. 

So, this past Sunday, my husband and I are shopping at the Superstore (haiiii Canada), and my husband dips into their mobile shop when I'm over looking at the Joe Fresh. I find him in there and he had already talked to the manager about a potential plan etc. I can easily leave my family Roger's plan and jump to Freedom mobile + I can get the iphone X for approx $80/ month (that's hardware tab and talk/data included) OR the newer XS for $100/ month. BTW cellphone plans in Canada are stupid expensive. I decide to go with the older model cheaper option bc I know the phones are really similar, and he mentions that he still needs to order it in and that it only comes in black. I'm fine with this - I'm not super picky. 

He calls me last night saying that the company was now offering the newer XS for the same price as the X and that he had already ordered it for me in GOLD! I didn't even tell him that was my preference!! So I went in and had a brand new cell phone within the hour😆I didn't even think of this as a manifestation until this morning. I have always had amazing success in manifesting gadgets - I'm talking free laptops and cars for next to nothing... I'm looking forward to seeing any financial changes now that this portal is closed! 

-Samantha Franklin


How to Manifest


My Living Space Is a Non-Negotiable


A Great Deal On The Expensive Sandals I Wanted