I Upgraded My Accomodations

Update😱 you guys! When I went to find the link for the accommodation for Alyssa Palaganas below, an ad popped up for another accommodation place... low and behold, it was the place in the first picture I saved last year!! I didn't know where in the world this picture was taken when I saved it, and now I'm staying there! We're staying at both places now😂turns out they are right next door to each other!! Whaaaaaaat So I have a folder in my phone photo gallery called 'home inspo', where I save picture from the internet of decor and home styles I like. 

My besty and I have a holiday to Bali booked in March and although we already had accommodation booked, last week I decided to take another look at accommodation options. There was a hotel listed that hasn't officially opened yet, so until their official open the rooms can be booked for well below price. I immediately cancelled the accommodation we had (free cancellation) and booked it because it is just stunning. Anyway, I was just going through my photo album and realised I saved one last year that is SO similar to the accommodation, i didn't even realise at the time I had manifested it! So cool. First pic is the photo I had saved in my phone last year, second pic is our accommodation 😍 

-Hannah Freeman


I Manifested The Perfect Scent


I Got My Godiva Chocolates!