In Love With My Life

Hi loves - just got the nudge to share a piece of my journey in the hopes that it may expand many of you. Especially anyone in the entrepreneurial space who wants to make an impact, to serve and wants to be well compensated and live a beautiful, abundant life while doing so. Which is a lot of this community. 🙃 

I’ve been in business for just shy of three years, and had some massive shifts, traumas, challenges to overcome in both my personal and professional life. Some of you may remember a post I made about a year ago about healing from incest. From early childhood, I’ve had a lot of capital T traumas in my history. And, I’m so grateful to share the space I’m in now. I’m thriving in all areas of my life. I have an epic, supportive, loving partnership with my husband, after healing through big betrayals. I have a thriving coaching + healing business that consistently makes over $15,000 a month. I have dream clients coming to me without pushing, struggling, hustling. 

I’ve paid off 6 figures of debt and fully healed my relationship to money. I live in a gorgeous, light filled apartment I love. I work when I want, rest when I want, travel when I want. And at this point, it all gets to be and feel so easy. I’m in love with my life - and so connected to my own power. And it’s such a gift to help others do the same. Point being.... just because it hasn’t happened for you yet, doesn’t mean it won’t. Keep going. Keep finding mentors, expanding, showing up for your vision. Keep going. Happy full moon + eclipse, friends!"

- Chelsea Q


I Said No and Stepped Into My Worth


A Product Order that Paid for an iPhone