My Major Home Manifestation Came Through!

GUYS! I am so excited that I can finally share a major manifestation!! I live in LA and have been spending 1.5 hours commuting to my job on one side of town for soooo long! I didn’t mind it for a while because I had my podcasts (hello, expanded), and music. I finally hit a wall a few weeks ago and told the universe that I wanted to be able to walk to work. Here is the thing—I work in one of the most expensive parts of the city. Like outrageously expensive. But once I did the work and truly believed I deserved it, the manifestation came through! I am 5 blocks from work and LOVING my life, and the place is completely in my price range. This is all entirely possible and I am proof of it! I’ve spent a while doing Lacy’s work, and I’ve had other manifestations come through but this is the biggest one yet. It WORKS. This is no joke! I BELIEVED I was worthy and it happened. I am so overjoyed. Thank you Lacy and the team, and thank you to this wonderful supportive forum :) Yay! 


Finally Manifested My BioMat!


Universal Confirmation with a Sunflower