Our Chemistry is Unbelievable

I have been listening to Lacy's podcast for several months, and I joined The Pathway to begin doing the work a couple of months ago. Doing the workshops led me to the conclusion that I had to cut my energetic cord with my former "friend with benefits", who I was still hanging out with platonically several times a week (which made it impossible for me to stop have feelings for him). I cut our energetic cord about a month ago, and have felt more magnetic in my social life since I created more space for other people. As I was working through the Shadow workshop, I felt a ping to write a partner manifestation list. Since I've been working more on myself lately, I haven't felt a strong need to have a partner, but I followed the ping and made the list. 

Not even a week after making the list, my dog park crush asked me out on a date, and he is every single thing on my list. Literally all of them. Our chemistry is unbelievable, and every time we hang out it amazes me that I found someone like him. We've only been on a few dates, but I truly feel so expanded from the time we have spent together, because I honestly didn't know that men like him existed. Even if we don't end up in a long-term relationship, this has opened my eyes to the process, and has given me so much hope to hold out for what I truly desire and DESERVE. Thank you, Lacy, the TBM team & the TBM group on Facebook for helping me manifest this amazing man.




I Knew How I Wanted to Feel with a Man


Everything With Him is Incredibly Easy