Setting a Boundary in Partnership

I just joined this community yesterday and I wanted to share how I got here. I am always tuning into different podcasts here and there during my work week and I clicked on a podcast episode with Jordan Younger that you were a guest on. I recognized your voice from somewhere and the things you were saying really spoke to what I has been going on in my personal life. 

After that episode I searched your podcast and realized that I was already subscribed to it (I had never listened) I thought that was somewhat of a synchronicity, later that day I opened my Instagram and the first thing I seen was a quote by you that someone had posted. I kept thinking that the universe is trying to tell me something and after that I see your name everywhere. I listened to a couple of your podcast episodes where you answered people’s manifestation questions and realized that I am currently going through a "test" with a partnership. 

We have been seeing each other for 4 months and he was everything on my list down to looks, goals, spiritual beliefs, etc. We really click every time we're together but I could tell that something was off and he was not ready to commit. Yesterday I gave it all my courage and stood up for my worth by setting a boundary. We ended things on a very good note and both agreed we have much growing to do before we are ready to enter into something serious despite how much we genuinely care for each other. I realized he was an expander for me and standing up for myself is something I've never done before. I am new to a big City(Toronto) and he was the only person I knew close by, so today is a complete fresh start for me and I am excited to see how your workshops change my life.

-Alex Phillion (email testimonial)


Guided Towards Career from Love


Control in My Career