My Partner is Someone I Never Expected

Everyone's been sharing their manifestation stories and I've been sitting here feeling sorry for myself and being all "I haven't manifested anything" and then it just hit me like a bolt of lightning that I manifested my damn partner, but I am still working on building that trust muscle and it doesn't feel fully real! 

It's the weirdest story: We went to high school together and I always hated him. I thought he was arrogant, and also thought he was hot (worst combination) and he was a total bad boy. Fast forward ten years and both of us going through a ton of crap, and we happened to connect on Bumble. At first, I was only talking to him out of curiosity.. then because we totally connected emotionally and were in the same place in working through our relationship baggage and moving towards more authentic, healthy relationship goals.. and then because I really, really liked him. Neither of our lives are even close to perfect but our friendship blossomed so, so effortlessly. 

The conversations around moving forward - sex, monogamy, etc. - were so respectful and we were just always on the same page. Now we are together and he is so, so amazing at meeting me where I'm at, acknowledging my shadow, and loving me despite it, and I know I have some integration to do to allow myself to be loved! Anyways, that's just for all you folks who a) feel like you're never manifesting anything (maybe you are and you're just not trusting it!) or b) are scared you're never going to manifest a partner (I previously sought out hectic, emotionally abusive relationships and this one is so different it's like being on another planet!


I Manifested My Ideal Partner to a T


After Many Tests I Found the One