Shocked to be Making DOUBLE as a Massage Employee

There is no doubt that what you wish to call in is out there waiting for you once you know what you are truly worth. 

Today I passed my first big test. I’m a massage therapist, and I decided recently that I needed to leave my toxic work environment. I applied to two jobs online and got both interviews within the day. I ended up turning down the first job that was comfortable and familiar and with a good company that did everything they could to get me on board. But, the pay was not enough and I knew I was worth more. 

The second job checked all of my boxes and aligns with my philosophies with regard to health and wellness...essentially my dream job. I had a good feeling that they would be able to pay me more, but I was shocked to learn I would be making DOUBLE my current pay, at a rate that is almost unheard of as massage employee in my area. I accepted the job today and am just feeling so inspired to share! I’m worth it. You’re worth it! Xo


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My Holistic Health + Wellness Front Desk Position