A Complete Transformation of My Reality

Woooow I have been going through it 👏🏼👏🏼 I’ve never made myself so vulnerable to the people around me, been so completely supported by them, been more humbled, cracked open to the point of non-recognition, or felt more love and compassion for myself and every person on this plane than I have in the tipping point of these past few weeks. I was cosmically guided to TBM’s work about 6 months ago, and surrendered to having life (and Lacy) pick me upside-down and shake me until every loose screw and dime came rattling out of my many pockets. I’ve been reparenting my inner child and tuning in to my authentic heart more intensely than I could have ever set out to, and it’s been completely amazing to see the transformation of my reality since I have brutally broken down what no longer works and began to rebuild with my new set of tools. Eternally grateful to be here at this time with all of you. Planting this little spring seed with you now if you feel like investing for yourself.


Inner Child


I’m Living as The Real Me. Take It or Leave It.


I Tell Everyone I Know About This Work Because it is Life Changing