A Trip to Kenya & A Job I Love!

Hi my name is Brittany and I’m a codependent. I said those words for the first time in Kenya on an amazing trip I manifested. Less than a month before I was supposed to leave I was dragging myself through a huge financial rock bottom, but through the work in UpLevel I was able to manifest a bridge job while I transitioned out of a job that was far below my self worth. The story is a complex one but the most important part is that I stayed in a job that was damaging to my reputation and finances because I thought I was putting others needs before my own and being a team player. I initially quit in December after months of going without pay, and I thought I was getting close to my manifestation, but I was dead set on keeping my current job and just manifesting the money coming through that portal. 

But as Lacy always says “you can’t manifest for others” and my company was completely broke. I took the dangling carrot test of them offering me slightly more money to come back, and that money allowed me to use the pay from my bridge job to completely pay for my trip to Kenya. This was a true manifestation. From the moment I arrived I knew it was meant to be. I learned so much there about love, gratitude, happiness, and my own value. 

When I returned I quickly dropped the carrot test in the form of my old job, surrendered completely to my higher power, and went to my first CoDA meeting. Lacy’s post on codependency couldn’t have been more timely. I jumped into The Rut in Uplevel and started on the Authenticity roadmap both in The Pathway. 

Less than 1 week later I have signed a contract for my new job that is EVERYTHING on my list including a 60% increase in compensation from my old job and BONUSES! I get to continue working remotely which gives me freedom and creating programs that I believe will change the practice of medicine - fulfilling my Authentic Code to make an Impact. After less than a year of working with Lacy’s programs, 4 months really diligently since November’s DRE challenge, I am in shock. I never thought this would be me So believe me when I say if you are struggling, Keep Going! You’re worth it


A Remote Career & a Spot in a Broadway Show


I Got My Dream Job With a Higher Salary Than I Even Imagined