Befriending My Shadow Is One of The Biggest Ways I’ve Relieved Anxiety

Hi Lacy, thank you for such a great workshop. I’ve moved towards a greater sense of myself and recognized the root of my thought patterns in only one week of taking your course (I was seeing a life coach for two years and never found this type of clarity). I found “friending” my shadows one of the biggest ways to relieve anxiety and feel more whole and confident in myself. I also realized all of the ways I’ve been tested the past year in relationships, which is one specific pattern of dating unavailable men. After having an ex boyfriend come back more than three times and continuing to try, I’ve finally moved forward and am waiting for someone who matches my self worth. Anyway, thank you again! Xo


A Bouquet of Flowers & No Stress Around Dating


I’m Living as The Real Me. Take It or Leave It.