From $0 to all This Abundance

Hi all - I’m relatively new to the practice of Manifestation, but in true Aries form, I sprinted out as fast as I can! 

My focus has been on money and career. I took a step back from full-time work last summer to self-heal, and be a more hands-on mom and wife. I started Kundalini Yoga, and have experienced life-changing shifts and clarity through this daily practice. But I also needed practical, pragmatic practices to adapt to replace all of the scarcity and poverty consciousness I had lived with, and been programmed with epigenetically. I found a podcast interview with Lacy last month and checked her out. It turned out that TBM fit so well, and the concept of simply moving through the Universe as my most authentic self, and building and creating only what I want, because these gifts are totally worthy, and needed...these concepts resonated deeply, and gave me a foundation from which to build. 

I’m a Wellness Consultant. I have 10 years experience in Emergency and Cardiovascular Medicines, and 11 years in Yoga, Personal Training, and Holistic Nutritional Counseling. But thus far, I’ve been held back by internal programming and fear and shame, which is why I left work for a while. So, last month I started building programs that I wanted to do, not what I thought the market wanted, or this or that client wanted. I built what I felt was needed and important, how I feel things should be done, full stop. In the past week, I’ve manifested $1,630, and a fantastic opportunity with a forward-thinking capital investment firm to create a holistic wellness program for them. Y’all- this is from $0 to all of this abundance from one day to the next.

For me, it really helps to operate and breathe from my womb space, to remind myself of my authentic authority. It also really helps to experience all of these new client interactions as tests- it grounds me and reminds me to keep moving forward. As I’m showing up in the business world as my most authentic self, I’m apparently doing the same within my marriage. My beautiful and enlightened husband has been so open and ready to talk about his needs, how he can be better Seen/Heard in our relationship...... These concepts are extremely new to him, but obvs feel right. So yeah, y’all- this shit works. Because WE work- we’re not broken, we’ve just been working with broken tools for far too long! Stay grounded, Sisters. Remember you are worth the Work and the Wait.


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