In My Gut I Felt At Peace That Things Would Work Out

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?

Unblocked Money, Love, How To Manifest, etc. I'm an Aries so I probably did all of them in like a week. A lot of the blocks were around deservingness, or feeling like I had to be perfect before I could buy 

What Expanders did you find?

Not technically an expander, but once my friend pointed out that first time buyers can put down 5% I realized that being an owner is not outside my reach. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?

I almost took the initial loans offered to me. By shopping around and not being ruled by stress / time limits, I found a small local company that gave me a 15 year loan. That easily saved me 100k in interest payments. 

How did your manifestation come through?

The Good: I came back to my apartment after Christmas break this year to have sink / shower no longer draining, squirrels in attic, a bazillion other things not working and realized I needed to start planning to move ASAP. I looked at other apartments, they all fell through. I didn't even think financially I could buy (I always assumed I'd just be rolling in the dough when I decided to buy.... nope), but my friend who is a realtor told me there are a lot of generous options for first time buyers. We went to one condo together and we both immediately knew it was the one for me. I was approved by several lenders that day...(so realistically I went from not seriously considering buying to finding a place and getting approved for a loan within 18 hours) - lol. I still have whiplash from that. By the end of January I put in an offer on this condo, was approved and then closed in the middle of March. Also, shopping around for loans I was able to get a 15 year loan... which save me at least 100k in interest. I decided to paint and had friends volunteer to help (as I've never painted in my life this was very important!), and so in a lot of ways had a lot of support throughout. 

The bad: Also, as many people have some craziness come through as well, I was having all these unexpected expenses come through. 

- Replaced the tires on my car (at about $700, which is about what my car is worth, lol), - Started getting double billed for several meals in a week (I caught it, but that's never happened before) 

- My AC unit maintenance was overbilled 

- My condo insurance was done incorrectly so I ended up paying more I agreed to. Also, I stopped getting paid -My companies largest client had financial issues and they delayed paying us (so around the time I was putting down a deposit for the condo I wasn't sure when / if I would get a check again) -I wasn't sure if my security deposit for my apartment would be returned as she delays / forgets to send them. 

- Got hired to do some instagram marketing which I thought would help with money, promptly got fired from that. 

The Ugly: 


- I had several relatives in the hospital in this time period 

- Started dating a guy who was so, so sweet, but his job become probably toxic after we'd been together about 1.5 months and he became very MIA / stressed and so I did end up breaking up with him (not sure if my motivation was high self worth or just my stress). While I was so stressed with money and when I would get paid again, I also realized that I had been given so much and so many things were falling together well. And so in my gut i felt at peace that things would all work out, but in my head I was oftentimes a crazy-lady. 

Ps. I've had so much fun building out my condo to be exactly how I want it to be - you can follow @mybuckinghampalace


Money / Love / How To Manifest


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