Message Received Universe, I Will Get To Work Reopening This Business!

Hey all, I just had something really kismet happen and wanted to share. Total #mymagneticstory moment. I’ve been doing Lacys work for 2-3 months now and have already seen several micro manifestations come through. I’m a projector, non-specific manifester, Taurus sun, Capricorn rising, Cancer moon, if you’re into all that. For background, I am an only child of a single mom. Most of my shadow work has been around being seen, not just authentically (though that too) just in general. My mom hid her pregnancy up until the moment she went into labor and then gave me up to an adoptive family for a period of time before changing her mind and reclaiming me. My bio father didn’t know I existed until I was 22. Turns out a lot of the issues I’ve had are directly related to the fact that I literally came into the world a secret and thus have trouble letting people really see me. This was a huge aha moment for me when doing Unblocked Inner Child. 

Anyway, I recently jumped off a cliff and left my career of the last 8 years. It was a situation where I was making nearly 6 figures a year but completely and totally out of alignment. I wasn’t fulfilled by the work nor was I a culture fit for the team but I felt stuck due to not believing that I could make the same amount of money elsewhere. The company I worked for downsized my department and told ~80 people they would have to apply and interview for ~20 open positions or seek employment elsewhere. I have been calling in my exit from this company since the beginning of 2019, I had even pre-written my resignation letter several months before this happened, so rather than join the hunger games I took the generous severance package and went on my way.I recently did Unblocked Money and one of the portals I came up with was to reopen the candle company I was running on the side several years ago. I had been mildly successful and starting to gain some traction when I closed it. It was something I had enjoyed doing but ultimately walked away from because my full time job was so soul sucking that I didn’t have any more energy to devote to anything else. 

A couple weeks ago I ordered all the supplies I needed to start again and the day it all arrived my ego threw me into a panic that I couldn’t be successful doing this even as a side hustle and that I had failed a test by spending the money to order all the stuff when I don’t have a job currently. Just a total shadow meltdown of what will people think and this isn’t really who I am and yada yada yada.Fast forward to last Friday when I had an akashic records reading with the lovely Cady Macon and one of the things my guides kept showing her was all these herbs and shamanic rituals and general witchy vibes. One of the things I had been researching when considering reopening this business was herbs (I’m a huge gardener) and their magical uses as a potential additional offering to the candles/wax stuff. I had wanted to kind of shift the focus into more of an apothecary vibe over time so this was a huge confirmation for me to stay the course.This morning I got everything out and was about to start pouring wax melts when my phone dinged that I had a Facebook message. Another portal I’ve opened is selling off some things I’ve accumulated that I no longer need. I have been passing tests there through not settling for less than what the items are worth or entertaining people who want to seriously lowball. It's been a lesson in patience as I really need the money but have stood in my worth and not accepted less than what’s fair. The message on my phone was someone wanting to buy my highest value item ($800) for full asking plus the cost of shipping. Message received universe, I will get to work reopening this business!


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