Unblocked Money Breakthroughs

Hey, all. I posted a couple months back about a huge breakthrough I had while doing Unblocked Money, where I realized that I had this shame around money- because it was discussed as being in scarcity for "everyone" and when I got some cash from the tooth fairy as a kid, I wanted to get rid of it right away because I felt like I was causing someone else to suffer by having it when I didn't really need it.

Anyway, I've done the Unblocked Money workshop at least 2 or three times over a couple years, and I am making life changes but I hadn't really seen any financial increases until now. Sometimes I get frustrated seeing y'all progress so quickly, while I'm 36 and have been doing "spiritual" and "manifestation" work since I was around 19! Lots of changes in my psyche, but so unrelentingly slow with physical manifestations!

lol and its still slow- BUT- I realized *just now* that this year is so different, even though my income was technically lower, I was able to focus enough to fill out paperwork correctly for school + taxes this year, so that even though my situation hasn't really changed much, I'm eligible to receive much more in both scholarship aid and tax credits, and between those things and income for work I've already done over the holiday break, I'll have more than enough to pay my bills through summer. Did you catch that? MORE than enough! LOL for me- that is huge, even if it's *just* a little more. And maybe not for all my expenses, but still.

For the first time, I feel like the other things I'm trying to manifest are actually possible. I don't know how! But I feel like I don't *have to* know right now! (lol- I always want to KNOW, so this peace around it is also new) I know I have expanding, and learning, still to do, but I just felt the thrill of this change after filing my taxes! lol. I mean, I'm going from having less than $100 in my account at almost all times (sometimes WAY LESS) to having enough to cover all my bills, without freaking out (usually I freak out about every single due date)

Honestly, I could have had these funds last year as well, if I had been able to focus on the paperwork, but I wasn't at all, I screwed up a lot and didn't get things I was entitled to as a returning student in NY.

Just wanted to share, in case some of you, like me, have been at this awhile, and while its relatively small, it's a big manifestation for me that will really free me up to spend more time on creative work.




Magnetic AF with Money During Quarantine


Shout Out To How Powerful And Legit This Work Is