Saying No Creates Magnetism

Last weekend I did Unblocked No and knew I needed to leave my job. Monday night we were temporarily laid off, and operations shut down for this job. How it happened reaffirmed that I was done there. So by Tuesday I energetically decided I was definitely done. What’s amazing is the one “yes” to that job was the people I was prospecting - I knew that they might be good relationships to have for my other passion of yoga/wellness/meditation. The one benefit of this job was the connections I was making with HR at companies willing to invest in wellness for their employees. I knew I could offer corporate wellness solutions for these companies, but didn’t have time to do so.

For my corporate yoga clients, I started offering virtual company-wide live check ins (leading meditations and gentle chair yoga, etc to support this new situation). So by Wednesday, after deciding I wouldn’t go back to that job, I had 5 companies reach out to me (from referrals) wanting to offer this to their employees! I had 3 booked! So once I said no to the job, I had more connections reach out to me the next day. By Tuesday I was completely done with my job, and on Wednesday I had 5 companies reach out to me! This was such a clear example of how saying no creates magnetism and opens up more portals instantly! I also manifested a free cork yoga mat the same week that I had wanted to buy but was sold out!




I Thought I Had Tried It All


Who Says You Can’t Manifest During the Recession?