Becoming Debt Free During Quarantine

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What was on your manifestation list?

  • To be debt-free within two years

  • Partnership (and a whole list that goes with that)!

Mini-manifestation: a free gift basket/bundle of luxury beauty and skincare products.

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?

I've done "How to manifest," "Unblocked Inner Child (reparent)," "Unblocked Money," "Unblocked Shadow," and am now doing "Uplevel."

What expanders did you find?

I'm a devoted listener of the podcast, so I pretty much find all of the guests on there to be my expanders! Particularly Amanda Blair, Garance Dore, Heather Whittaker, and of course, Lacy herself!

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?

Most of the tests that I believe I've passed have been in dating. I recently feel like I passed a big test where a guy from my past came back and was my shiny carrot! However, he doesn't live in my city (or even country), and living near me is important on my list as I've done too many long-distance relationships. 

Not only that, but I found him avoidant and, at times, not following through on what he was "promising me." I decided to move on and stay in my worth. A pretty big deal for me as I've pretty much been a doormat to any guy I've dated. So for me to acknowledge my needs aren't being met is a huge step in my self-worth.

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.

How did your manifestation come through?: I particularly want to share a message while we are experiencing quarantine in the time of COVID-19. I have been in a lack mentality for probably over ten years now. Money has always been an issue, and it particularly carries a lot of shame for me as I was in a very toxic relationship in my 20s in which my boyfriend (actually fiance) at the time completely manipulated me emotionally and financially. 

I am still paying off debt from him today (this could literally be a whole podcast episode). Anyway, I decided to go back to school this year (I'm 37) to become a teacher. I graduate in July, but in order to afford school, I had to move back in with my parents for 11 months. In order to pay bills, interest on loans, etc. I work on weekends as a server. Due to COVID, the restaurant has had to close temporarily, so I was stressing about finances (yet again). 

Although most of the work I've been focusing on manifesting the last few months has really been about partnership, I heard Lacy say on a recent podcast how love and money are inherently tied together. I was feeling a LOT of anxiety about my finances and loans (plus picking up on the energy of everyone else in the financial crisis lately), so I decided I wanted to really focus on manifesting money. I wrote on my manifestation list a few months ago that I wanted to be debt-free within two years. But as a smaller manifestation, I randomly wrote $5000 on a separate list. On this "smaller manifestation list" (to build my trust muscle), I also wrote that I wanted a gift bag or basket of lots of free luxury beauty products.

Just at the start of the pandemic (before we went into quarantine), my friend messaged me to ask if I wanted some skincare oils and products that she had "extras of." Over Christmas, she had traveled to Puerto Rico, and the airline lost her luggage. She had a lot of fancy and expensive skincare products in her luggage, so she claimed it when the airline asked her to list all of the things that they had lost. They later reimbursed her with all of the listed products, and then a few months later, they found her luggage and sent it back to her. 

She messaged me and said she had more products that she could use and asked if I wanted them. (Um. YES!!!!). In the first few days of quarantine, I got a package in the mail from her. It was FULL of full-sized luxury face oils, creams, high-end samples (probably well over $500 worth of products). I couldn't believe it!!!! It was my first manifestation!!!!

As for the money manifestation, about two weeks later, I checked my bank account and noticed the government had sent me a tax rebate for $425. I receive them a few times a year but didn't think there was anymore coming! I also registered for the COVID relief fund that the Canadian government is providing for citizens who have lost work due to the pandemic. If you are eligible (which I found out I am because the restaurant I worked at on weekends had to shut down), you can register for financial relief and receive $2000 per month. 

The funny thing is that that is actually more than I would make just working part-time. Within a matter of days, I received a check for $2000 directly deposited into my bank and then another $2000 a few days later for the next month. I was feeling so magnetic that I decided to do my taxes early to see if I could have any more money come in. Based on my salary from last year, I am getting a refund for around $475. 

I can't believe it. It all adds up to $5000. Now, I actually feel some flow in my finances. I am so grateful to the government for providing relief, but it just goes to show that even during this pandemic, it is POSSIBLE to still receive. I've been in a magic dark for MONTHS, so finally seeing some manifestations come through is incredible. Thank you, Lacy, and team!!!!

-Jackie Taylor (Vancouver, BC)

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Inner Child / Money / Shadow / Uplevel


I’m Bringing In More Money Than Ever Before


Finding the Perfect Job During Quarantine