The Year of Opulence

2020 the year my opulence begins: so far this year I have manifested over $9,000 worth of money and items as well as a job in a new career path which is in line with my authentic self.

Here is the list of things I have manifested, and my process is below for anyone that wants to read on.

- Nespresso machine $250

- Reduction in rent during the height of COVID (my landlord offered it to me without me asking) $600

- Free exercise physiologist sessions $600

- Free psychologist session $200

- Free month health insurance $150

- Free winter blanket for my bed $70

- Buyback of a car I bought from a second-hand car dealer and after five months of owning it, they bought it back for the exact price I bought it for it (the engine failed so no one else would take it!) $6,700

- Insurance claim additional payment (4 years after I made a claim and had been paid my claim amount in full at the time) $455

- New job in the mental health field (I have no prior professional experience in this field, I come from an event management background) in the middle of the worst of Covid-19 in Australia.

So how did I do it? It started with me quitting a horribly toxic job at the start of the year, without anything else in the works, putting faith in the universe to catch me. I have been working through Lacy's work for 18 months and knew that this job was making me so small, so I had to get out! I wanted to change into a mental health career (I am in the middle of my psychology degree). It took a couple of months, but I only interviewed for two jobs. I put my heart and soul into prepping for the first interview but didn't get it. I went to the second interview very relaxed without any expectations and boom! I got the job. 

At this point other than the job I hadn't put anything specific on my list for Unblocked Money, however, things started happening (right when Covid-19 kicked off in Aus), and my car got bought back by the dealer (which meant I could buy one that was actually reliable). The coffee machine, EP, psychologist sessions, and health insurance all came through. I owe my parents a bit of money and have been reluctant to make regular payments to them because it would mean taking it out of my savings, but I was feeling a lot of anxiety about owing them money. That's the only debt I currently have, and I decided a couple weeks ago that I needed to get rid of the anxiety caused by it. So I decided to take serious ownership of my finances. I did three things.

1. Set up an automatic transfer to my parents from my savings every month, which will have the debt paid off in a year

2. Worked through the book 'The Barefoot Investor" (this is the Australian equivalent to "I will teach you to be rich", a book Lacy always talks about, for getting on top of your finances), to set up a plan for my finances.

3. Cut all ongoing financial ties with my parents. Took the credit card my mum gave me out of my wallet, canceled any subscriptions they were paying for and told my mum that anything she gets for me that I need, I would be paying her for straight away (she is notorious for 'forgetting' to send me bills for things she buys for me)

I then wrote down my list of things I am calling in and no joke the next day; the first thing came through. A big winter blanket for my bed that my sister in laws parents decided to buy me because they thought I might like one (I did not tell anyone this was on my list). Then a few days later, a random sum of money came into my account ($455) from an insurance company, which I had a claim with almost four years ago. They said it was due to some wording that could have been misconstrued on their website at the time of the claim (????) Now I am working through the new Unlocked Money course on TBM to find even more magnetism in money!

I am a Capricorn sun, Scorpio rising, and Sag moon. And I am a specific generator.




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