It’s the Little Things

I got my friend the Chani Nicholas book for her birthday. I really wanted a copy for myself but it wasn't in my budget, and I am trying to be in my worth about finances, so I skipped it for myself. I made plans with my bf to go to the beach later. I am on my budget, so I said, let's make sandwiches. BUT in my head, I thought, "I'd kill for some chips & guac at the beach but oh well, not in the budget. We won't starve." This morning. I was on my way to donation yoga, and I couldn't find my $10 cash I threw in my purse for it. 

I decided, since my washer was broken, just to skip yoga since I couldn't find my cash. As soon as I parked at the laundromat the $10 appeared (smushed between cards- I need a wallet! Lol) and my friend that I had got the book for has to text me "Just got to yoga and it's canceled” I was like *universe- you gave me $10! I'm getting chips & guac with this*, and then my same friend texts me that she left the yoga place but that she went by my house to leave my bday gift at my door while I was gone. I got home, and it was the Chani Nicholas book! I am typing this sitting on the beach with my book, chips/guac & in my manifestation flow!🙂


Finding the Ideal Space & Opportunity After A Major Rockbottom


Stick With It!