Getting Comfortable With Money For The First Time

Manifestation win! I've meant to share this for a while: coming out of 2018, I reflected back on the things I've manifested, from the small things to the big things I've called into my life. I left on the 4th day of the year for Colombia - I was there working with a yoga retreat company (I manifested having them hire me to create content for them and was in Bali right before that doing the same thing for a different retreat company!) In my mind those were the two biggest manifestations. Then it hit me: the biggest manifestation of the whole year occurred many months ago, and I didn't even think of it then. 

Here's the quick story: I did Unblocked Money several months back and worked through some blocks around a lack mentality I've had (despite the fact that for most of my adult life, I had no challenges with money I still didn't see myself as worthy). In working through those blocks, something happened: I sold a property I'd owned since 2009, that sale netted me a 5-figure return, and it was a serious act of the universe for that sale to go through. The house I was selling was super old and required many repairs that the sale was contingent upon - the repairs would cost upwards of $30K (which I didn't have at my disposal at the time). The company that did the repairs told me that they normally require a 50% down payment... however they agreed to do the work for me, with a verbal agreement that I would write a check in full on the day of the closing. 

There were MANY other moments like that throughout the process of the repairs through the closing and the whole thing ended with me selling the house, paying the repair company in full upon closing as promised, and putting a big fat check in my bank account after it was all done. That sale enabled me to pay off student loans, etc. My lack mentality, and low self-worth around money is completely gone. I'm quoting much higher rates for my freelance and content creation gigs and investing in things that I see as essential to my personal growth, wellness, and happiness too! I have a new obsession with checking my credit report and seeing the numbers go up, and my relationship with money is actually a fun one for the first time, maybe ever. I hope I can be expansive for others with this story. xx! 




Manifesting The Perfect Expander & A Kismet Move To Paris


An Amazing Island Getaway & New Money Portals