Making An Investment In Myself

I manifested a $900 product order for my business in order to pay for a new iPhone 8 plus after deciding I'd like to have it a day before. My manifestation process involved doing Unblocked Inner child, setting my intention mentally and physically by writing it down and speaking it to some family members. Some blocks around money had to be investigated via journaling about what my intentions were for using the money consciously, why I deserved it, and why it could bring more opportunities into my life - obviously, this part of the process has been a continual development. 

I was expanded by a few friends who live lives of similar income as me, but have this phone and have used it to improve their businesses. Once I realized it was an investment in myself, my business, and other's lives, I stopped being blocked. Finding a way that some large purchases is not a splurge, but an investment always helps me! I didn't want to be sending out $799 (cost of phone) without knowing I'd immediately have a replacement, so once I saw that order, I knew it was meant for the phone. 

Everything seemed to be pointing to this being the right move, and I usually have more resistance in the past when considering investing in myself, so that made it all the more lovely to experience how far I've come from doing Lacy's work! THANK YOU, TBM!!


Inner Child


A Ping Led Me to Manifesting The Perfect Motorcycle In A Day


Letting Go Of Attachment To Gain Magnetism