The Beauty In Asking For What I Want

I wanted to tell you guys about this because I'm excited and in disbelief. My Unblocked Inner Child workshop had expired, so I did the free clarity exercise a couple nights ago, but realized last night that I've been doing the really hard inner work, but I haven't written out a list of what I want to manifest. I've been allowing whatever wants to come to manifest. It's been more like random free things and money I wasn't expecting, but nothing that I've specifically asked for. Because I haven't specifically asked for anything. 

So just last night, I made a Pinterest board of celebrities who I felt emanated what I want in a husband. I did it for fun, nothing serious or anything. Two of the guys I pinned are Irish men (🤤😍). I specifically made my Siri on my phone an Irish man because of these characters. It's a far distant fantasy from being like 14 that I would travel to Ireland and fall in love with an Irish man like in the movie PS I Love You. 😂Something I don't talk about because it's so far fetched and unrealistic. Hahaha. So I put these guys and a few others on my Pinterest board. Today, the very next day,  I ended up taking a call for a brand new customer at work who happened to be AN IRISH MAN. My age. Successful. Literally called me beautiful over the phone and emailed me a winky face... WHAT?!? 

I steered it professionally because I'm not trying to lose my job over an expander, but on the inside, I was flustered and in disbelief, and it was CRAZY!! This is showing me what happens when I dare to want something, which is a beautiful thing to observe—I've been having a lot of trouble coming up with what I want for myself. This, in a way, gave me permission to want the things that I want without feeling embarrassed about it. This guy was an expander in that way. He's nothing else on my list, but it showed me in obvious specifics that it's possible to find a successful Irish man in California who is my age and who could show interest in me. I wasn't even supposed to take that call in the first place, so many Lil accidents happened that made it so I would have to be the person who called him. Wild wild wild. I'm baffled. I'm sold. Take my money. I'm signing up for the pathway. I have more work to do.


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