Learning to Stand Up for Myself & Finding the Right Match

Name: Isabella B. 

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: -A Remote Job Paying Minimum X Amount of Money with less stress and more stability 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: All of them! Lots of blocks around feeling "bitchy" for asking what I want, Money fears from childhood, I mean so many blocks 

What expanders did you find?: Tons of people in the group, plus people I found on Instagram who blog about remote work. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: So many tests, mostly around asking for what I want and standing up for myself. Every ex reached out. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: It was so chaotic, I felt like every aspect of my life was falling apart and a hurricane was blowing through the state at the same time. It lasted for about a month. 

How did your manifestation come through?: Hey all! So I had a pretty wild ride with my latest manifestation, but I am finally ready to share. If you are manifesting a new job/remote work, growing your Insta, or dealing with a crazy magic dark, read on! So I had been working remotely as a matchmaker for a startup. It had been really rewarding, but over the past few months, I was totally burned out. My work environment became super toxic, and working one on one with clients was so exhausting. It was triggering all of my Shadow as well. A lot of changes needed to be made at the company, and as I suggested them, I was ignored or shot down. There was also a sexual harassment issue, in short, making me feel so small and unheard. 

I finally got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I did the DIs daily. I had TONS of career tests, including a friend starting her own matchmaking company, bringing me on board, then not paying me. A bridge job came through in July recruiting for an LGBTQ+ matchmaking company on a contract basis. It wasn't enough to quit my job, but it was so expansive because what I really wanted to be doing was recruitment. It showed me that it was possible AND well paid. AND that I could work for a company that valued and protected me. Plus, the LGBTQ+ population is usually underserved in this industry, so it felt really good to be able to be of service. 

On the day I said fuck it, I got the ping to start applying for jobs. I saw one job for a matchmaking opportunity for another company. I knew it wasn't the right job because I didn't want to serve clients one on one anymore, it would require me to move, and it would mean I had to work in an office. I had sworn after finishing graduate school; I would never work in an office. A strong ping told me to apply anyway. I did. IMMEDIATELY after applying, I realized I had a cockroach infestation in my apartment. I said, fuck this, I can't live like this and went to my father's house at 3 am. That was on a Friday. Monday, I had an interview for this job. I also learned I had a $300 dollar water bill, and my apartment had a mold problem as well as a cockroach problem. 

Then I learned we were facing a hurricane that week. My cat also got violently ill, resulting in over $1000 worth of medical bills for her. I was broke, sick from the mold, hating my job, and homeless living at home with my parents again. To say the least, I was triggered. The next week I had a second interview for this job. They told me they realized my skills were elsewhere and decided to create a position for me. I would work remotely for them as a full-time recruiter, and they would fly me to their offices for a few days each month as needed. It was literally my dream job because travel is my passion, and their officers are all in cool cities I want to visit anyway like Denver and DC. They said they just needed some time to put the role together and get approval. 

Cue a massive magic dark where I didn't hear back from them for a month. At this time, I was still dealing with apartment and health issues. My job got more and more toxic, and I was still sick from living in a toxic environment. Living at home was deeeeeeeeply triggering each day dealing with issues of abandonment and sexism. I kept taking these triggers through the DRE and asking for expanders in the group. I then wrote a very aggressive email to my landlord with a list of demands and a deadline to address these issues and either move me into a new apartment or terminate my lease. I have major Shadow around being difficult and bitchy, so this was huge for me. 

She took me to see a new apartment I could move into, and I said no. It wasn't as nice as my apartment, and smaller. I said I wouldn't downgrade. They ended up moving me into a larger, nicer apartment with a better view of the lake! The only demand that wasn't met was for my rent to be prorated; I knew it was a long shot, so I let it go. They refunded my water bill and, due to a weird glitch in the system, took $300 off my rent, which meant my rent was $600 cheaper than normal anyway. I got super frustrated about the job situation, so I scheduled a session with my hypnotherapist and did Unblocked Money every day. 

I wanted my hypnotherapist to help me work through what was keeping me feeling stuck in my job. Wow, it was fucking nuts and totally unexpected. But after our session, I got mad at the Universe. I said I refuse to remain in a toxic situation, and I need a job to come through before October 1st, non-negotiable. A few days later, I was finally able to move into my new apartment. A week after the session, I got another freelance recruiting job and an invite to interview with another matchmaking company. I responded that I would be happy to interview but am only accepting recruitment positions at this time. I also said fuck it and called the company I had been interviewing for to find out what was taking so long. They sent me the offer that day. There were some things in the contract I wasn't ok with, so there was some back and forth before I signed and started the trial. 

After the 30 days, they made me a great offer. I still freelance for the LGBTQ+ company and receive residual checks from them ranging from $250-1000 a month! I then decided I wanted to go to NYC for the Lacy Phillips event. I manifested a ticket to NYC for literally 100 dollars. Then I wanted to manifest a place to stay in the East Village for less than $100 a night. A few people came through and offered their places, including a guy I used to hook up with. I was actually planning on staying with him, but then when I made it clear this was platonic, and I would not be sleeping with him, he ghosted me. It was getting close to the day of my trip, and I was kind of stressed that I hadn't found a place, but then a former coworker (now friend!) offered her extra room in the East Village and refused payment! (I paid her in Glossier and Indian food instead <3) 

So I literally manifested my trip for $100 total and got to see Lacy! The next thing on my list was to grow my Instagram following, but I hadn't yet started work on that. I woke up today to a shoutout on Insta from one of my colleagues AND from my personal expander I took through Opulence Christina Galbato, who has 225k followers. It blew my mind! AND I just got a message from her on Insta as I am writing this. I am currently working through Shadow, then will do Unblocked Inner Child and Unblocked Money again. Guys, this stuff totally works, and if you are going through a terrible magic dark, just keep going and reach out to people you trust for help! Double down on the work, and it will end! Thanks for reading. I hope it was expansive for some of you!! 

If you'd like, please include your IG handle:: @issyliving 


Inner Child / Money / Pathway


Surprising Support From The Universe


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