Unblocking Deservingness In Order To Find My Home

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes 

What was on your manifestation list?: A specific condo in a 4 unit complex under 1.6m. 

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I used EVERYTHING, I unblocked all of my limiting beliefs about this coming from a Trust rather than my own money, that perhaps I don't deserve the house. Or whether it was an ego want versus a true authentic desire. I also worked on whether I felt DESERVING of having my own house that I could afford on my own.

What expanders did you find?: People invited me to friends' houses who had the same situation; their trusts bought it for them. Like one guy lives alone in a three-bed three bath home in Silver Lake overlooking the canyon that his parents bought for him. Another friend lives on the beach in an apartment his parents helped him buy. 

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: 3 out of 4 units became for sale within a two month period, all priced way too high. I passed on one, it sold. All were priced way too high, but I didn't get nervous because how could three have gone on the market after nothing for an entire year? This felt all too magical that it made me totally trust the Universe. I passed all of them, any house that was too high or something was missing I said no. I have been looking for 14 months now but have only been doing Lacy's work for six months. 

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: YES! It went on for 1 1/2 months where it would be super quiet, or it would be things coming up that were totally in no way for me - that it felt ridiculous to even consider. There were moments I wanted to lower my standards or forgo the entire search. I just kept telling myself to surrender and that it would feel magical when the right one came along. 

How did your manifestation come through?: Once I finally let go of attachment, and I felt empowered by the idea of living in my own home rather than ashamed. Right before the price was reduced, the neighboring condo house number was 2222. The other house I like is 2020; that one was almost perfect, but it was priced too high per square footage, and I didn't feel in my worth about it. So I denied it, and within a week, I heard that the price had dropped at 2020, and it's a lot bigger than 2222. The guy is motivated to sell because he is moving due to a job offer. I put an offer on this exact condo unit one year before and lost because I was outbid. Now he somehow has to move and doesn't want to sell, but his new job is worth it. The Universe works in magical ways.




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