Changing My Mentality & Landing A Six Figure Book Deal

Name: Louisa A

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: 

- a new, aligned career (yep!)

- a six-figure book deal (yep!)

- a stronger sense of self (yep!)

- better connections with others (yep!)

- a comfortable house/condo with lots of natural lighting (soon...)

- an aligned partner (soon...)

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I've done every workshop but Unblocked Full Moon several times, but my main ones were Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, and the Daily Practice. I kept coming back to those repeatedly because I found that a lot of my blocks transcended different energetics, but they always came back to my core wounds from childhood, which are abandonment and rejection. I did a lot of reprogramming around those and adjacent shadow words, I used several different sets of magnetic parents, and I just kept following pings when new shadows arose.

I would always ask myself why I believed I didn't deserve the things I wanted for each manifestation. "I'm not rich enough," "I'm not pretty enough," etc. And I'd write them all down and take them through the DIs, reprogramming each belief until they integrated. I made this a part of my formula too.

What expanders did you find?: So many! For relationships, I have a few close friends whose relationships I admire and a few celebrities (namely Serena Williams). For my career, I have many writer friends who were achieving the things I wanted to achieve. I also sought out women, particularly women of color, who were working in the field I wanted to get into, and that was hugely expansive for me.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: I can't remember them all, but the major ones would be: being presented with book deals that weren't what I wanted (passed), being asked to settle for housing options I didn't want (passed), offers to stay at my old job (passed), offers to hang with friends who I felt didn't fully see me (passed). There were many I didn't pass in the beginning out of fear.

How did your manifestation come through?: For my book deal: I had been trying for a larger one since I had friends around me who had done so. I held out when I was presented with a low-ball deal for my next project. I felt very in my worth when I said no, and within two weeks, my new deal came through for six figures, and it's SO much better than I could've imagined.

For my new, aligned career: I had made the decision to go into counseling a few years ago because of lack mentality and people-pleasing, and I only realized that through this work. I got a strong ping to leave my job and make the switch to game writing. It was terrifying! I had no FU fund and nothing but faith when I quit. After that, I started reaching out to women of color in the industry to ask how they got their start, hoping to expand and find my own path. This led to a few meetings with a consultancy who (as of today!) have agreed to take me on as a freelancer! It was the fastest I'd ever connected with anything, and I truly owe this all to following pings and being purposeful.

And through it all, I've changed SO much in the past year that I started TBM. I used to read tarot obsessively, and the day I learned about TBM, I pulled The Tower card. I had been wanting to change and desperately looking for a way forward, so when I pulled that card and learned about TBM a few hours later, I knew that was my way forward. I stopped leaning on tarot and started building my trust muscle, really living my (human) design, and feel so much more assured that I am safe and will be able to navigate any situation. That's probably my biggest manifestation if I'm honest!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: For my first list with the book deal, it took six months. I actually didn't write it down for the career switch, but I made a conscious decision, and two months later, it came in.

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: I used the workshops daily, at least once a day at first. Now, I use them about 4-6 times a week, depending on how I feel or what I'm trying to unblock.

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Nigerian-Canadian, child of immigrants, very big on me becoming a lawyer or doctor. I had also learned the only way to make money was to suffer for it.


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