An A-Frame Cabin Under My Budget In LA

Name: Julianne Tura

Where do you reside?: Los Angeles

What is your cultural upbringing and background?: Born in Cocoa Beach, Florida. My mom had me when she was a teenager, and my dad was alcoholic/ completely out of the picture. I had a lovely life until I was 8, then raised by different caretakers while my mom moved around. I grew up on food stamps, but we always acted like we had Money. I moved to a farm in TN when I was 12.

Are you currently a Pathway Member?: Yes

What was on your manifestation list?: I was calling in my dream house for a few months and received it! Another smaller manifestation that came through was expensive handmade dolls made to look like my cats, which I received for free. Quitting my bartending job and promising myself to never work for anyone else ever again but trusting the universe that I would be financially ok has also been working for me! So far, so great! :)

What workshops did you use and what blocks did you discover during the DIs & workshops?: I did Unblocked Inner Child many times, Unblocked Shadow, Unblocked Money, and I tried to do a DI every day. A lot of unblocking, journaling. Blocks I uncovered were shadow around being boring (not being original) and subconscious limiting beliefs around my worth around Money and what I deserve. Especially around self-worth and career and setting boundaries.

What expanders did you find?: My two best friends are financially successful, and both have their dream homes! They were and are major expanders for me.

What tests did you face? Which did you pass? Not pass?: For my house, one house test. I walked in and walked right out. Passed! Once I quit my food industry job, I received so many offers to bartend events for $500, etc. I mean, immediately after I quit, I was asked to work in lower than my self-worth jobs, and I turned them all down, and I've been more than ok financially. Passed!

Did you experience a magic dark period? If so, tell us about it.: Yes. Nothing was coming through with the houses. I did not even sweat it, and the dream house came through overnight. Then, when I turned in my application, there was a magic dark on that home. The MOMENT I said out loud and meant it- "I don't care"- they called and said the house was mine!

How did your manifestation come through?: I wanted a bigger space but loved my current house. (I currently live in a one-bedroom stand-alone home in the hills of Mount Washington with a washer-dryer, gated backyard, huge side yard, huge jet spa bathtub, a garage, parking, and all utilities included for $1490.) My landlord mentioned there was construction going to be done sometime on the home next door this year etc. etc. Also, loud neighbors moved in directly across the street. I have misophonia (a sound condition), so having a quiet home is essential for me. I basically figured I would have to be out of my current home for my sanity in 6 months. 

I didn't want to wait till I was at the end of my rope, so I started looking, something I don't usually do. (I usually wait till something falls apart or crashes and burns before I jump...not anymore!) So October of 2021, I sat and crafted a very specific list of deal breakers about what I wanted in a home, location, style, etc. I am a nonspecific manifester, and a few days later, I looked at my super-specific lift and threw it out. I instead started writing about the *feeling* I wanted the home to give me. I love forests, and my essence is a dark, cold forest elf in the woods, and I basically wrote I want my cold, quiet, dark dream cabin in the forest. 

I had my two best friends who were expanders that had their dream homes. I followed a very important ping to download this random app for available homes. This PING was very important to this manifestation- because if I had not listened to the voice inside of me, I wouldn't have manifested this home. All my homes were set to alerts in Pasadena (where I thought I wanted to move.) I had not set alerts on this app yet since it was newly-downloaded and PING! I got an alert that literally sounded like a PING noise, and it was for the hills north of Burbank! 

I would never have looked there! The moment I saw the photo of the home, I knew it was mine. Now here is the funny part- I don't care whatsoever about pools. If I had a billion dollars, I could care less if a home I have has a pool or not. Now on a separate note, for self-worth money journaling, I would write every day how I would feel if I got a book deal, sold my book, and made millions of dollars. I would write down three times a day, every single day, "I'm in my forest backyard with my wrap-around deck overlooking my pool." I don't care about pools, but I just equate being rich with having a pool. Get this: my new home is under my budget, an A-frame cabin (IN Los Angeles!!) with a wrap-around deck and a giant lap pool!!!! 

Hey, I'll take it!! It has hand-painted flowers all over the front door, and it truly looks like a group of mystical fairies and gnomes gather there. I passed a few tests, did not settle, and stood in my masculine energy worth when applying for the home. And when I say masculine energy worth, I call it deep in my tailbone masculine bitch I am a GOD energy. Also, several magical events truly aligned from the universe like I could hear the universe going "click click click" like a mechanical puzzle, everything clicking into place for me. For instance, it rained, and they canceled a showing, and I had incorrect things on my application. I only caught the night of the showing cancellation, which I could fix for the following day. 

Then-once I put in my application- I had a true magic dark (the person I submitted my application to said they would call me that evening to tell me if I got it or not, and I didn't hear from them the following night.) I'm not gonna lie-i was totally freaked out. But the following day, I finally said out loud, "I don't care." And I meant it. And they called me, I mean, one maybe 2 seconds later to tell me I got it. Totally wild! I also manifested these little custom handmade felt dolls from Japan of my cats that otherwise would have been like $500. It was something I truly wanted, and I put it out there and let it go. "Who cares!" is my motto for manifesting!

How long did it take for your manifestation to come through after crafting your initial list?: 3 months!

How frequently were you using the workshops and DI's when you noticed the biggest shift surrounding your manifestation?: At least every other day. If I didn't have time, I would try to squeeze in a short DI or journaling or listen to the expanded podcast on a drive.

How do you incorporate this work into your life on a daily basis? Any tips, tricks or recommendations for getting the most out of it, or personalizing it?: I feel so amazing and have such radical shifts when I'm doing this daily. Finding my authentic code was a huge help to filter everything through. Something that helped me find my authentic code and my most happy authentic self was watching old videos of me as a child, at my happiest. That was one way I discovered how much expression meant to me, even now as an adult—listening to DI during hikes while I can zone out and move. I think the best way I manifest is doing the work daily, not settling, passing tests, stepping into monster masculine wild energy, and surrendering. It truly works!!!

If you'd like, please include your IG handle: @bonerbait

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