How to Manifest
Q. I’m wondering about how to do the list. Can I make a new list every once in a while or should I just stick to the original list? Should I be referring back to the list to remind myself of what I wanted, if I’ve forgotten, or should I just write it down and let it go? Should I add to the original list when I think of other things I want to manifest and should I start a new list and forget the old one? I guess I’m just wondering about the list. This is the Formula and Magnetism Workshop list-making.
All that the list is really there for is to take all of those wants and things and ideas and polarity that are floating around in your head in their grain abstract and really itemizing them down on paper, just so that your mirror neurons can witness them.
What you absolutely don’t need to do is be referring to your list often or putting it somewhere where you need to see it all the time, all these old superstitions. It doesn’t make a difference because all of the other things are what really determine if you manifest, getting into your power, expanding, expanding your subconscious worth, all that good stuff. When it comes to the list, you can find your own practice. Some people really like to create a new list every new moon. They like to have these cycles. It doesn’t matter if you do or you don’t, but if that’s your way of feeling in control and communicating clearly, that’s beautiful. Personally, I’ve edited lists before. I’ve crossed out things and written something new and just kind of reread it as one. You can create a whole new list, you can have a quarterly practice, where that’s when you check back in and you review all of your old list to see what actually has come, because taking inventory is very, very, very important. You’ll look back at a list a year ago realizing you’ve manifested most things in it. That’s so important to help strengthen your trust muscle. Find your own practice. Maybe it’s a quarterly thing, maybe it’s a monthly thing, maybe you’re someone who loves organization, so you need a new fresh list rewritten and the new component of what you want, but you can edit it however you want. You can add and subtract. Say you’ve manifested things in that you called in and you’re, “That’s actually those three qualities I don’t really want anymore. I’m going to cross those off.” If you’re someone who needs it clean, create a new list. But it’s all up to you. The only energetic is that you’re clearly communicating through that once to the universe, specifically the core ones that you know that you’re looking for.
Q. What do you do when you can’t get specific about what you want to manifest? Sometimes when dreaming up our next five year plan where we’re going to live, what I’m going to do for work, I get overwhelmed by the options and worrying about focusing on one thing when really another thing is what’s best.
Do the How to Manifest workshop and instead focus on the smaller stepping stones with a 6-9 month time frame.
So great examples of that are like when I’m manifesting right now, there’s not a lot that I asked for ever because it’s like I know everything I want is going to come pretty quickly and I asked for bigger things that are in the next nine to 12 months because I know that that’s sort of my patterning for big things, but when it comes to little things, it’s like I don’t even the universe is working it all out because the more magnetic I become, the more unlocked I become, the more expanded I become. It’s like there’s this huge vessel for everything to come through that I need, that’s going to take me further and propelled me on this journey. I’ve gone through many times in my life where I’m like, well, I don’t really know if I want to live in here. If I want to live in New York or if I want to live there, how do I start to call in this move? Or should I be calling in this move? It’s because you’re not supposed to yet. You’re not quite there yet.
If you can’t get specific, that’s totally fine. There’s other videos we have on like nonspecific and specific manifesting based team based on your human design chart and it doesn’t really sound like you’re the person who’s coming as a nonspecific because those are the people who are like, even when I get really specific, it doesn’t happen like I want, but when I just kind of, you know, I’m sort of thinking that I want something and let it go. That’s when you know they’re able to met it or the or the universe presents to them what’s best for them. Let your long term plan go and really just do the work right now and let things start showing up, which might be little clues of what specifically you should start asking for. So what I mean by that is be unblocking. Be Finding expanders even again, if you don’t know exactly what you want to manifest so you don’t know the specificity of the expander. Go out and find lifestyle expanders. People who literally have the life that feels so good to you and the things that they have feel so good to you and the love that they have with within partnership or if you desire to be a parent that loves that they have. They’re just start to surround yourself around that and it’s not. You’re naturally going to expand and naturally things are going to start coming in for you. Especially if you’re doing all of that work to unlock and unblock so really right now where you should be focusing as what are you triggered by working that through reparenting, that Dre, all that kind of stuff like working or another avenue to go about it. It’s just doing all of the roadmaps like literally unlocking to be the most magnetic version of self and then starting to surround yourself around expanders and then of course doing anything on the physical plane you’re needing to do to remove, to create space, meaning again, anywhere you’re small or anywhere you’re afraid and some are where you need to walk through that fear of jumping off of a cliff. That’s what I would be focusing on right now to just be your most magnetic version of self.
Q. How does manifestation of material things for myself sit with sustainability of the planet? I buy most things second-hand and find it hard to buy brand new. How do I know what's low self-worth and what's thinking of resources?
It all comes down to your value system. You can totally use this process by being resourceful, and you just need to expand more if you're wanting cooler things and sustainability.
It's so interesting that this company we've created is completely and totally zero waste, so yeah, you can totally have the life you want by being very sustainable and manifesting it.
If you manifest aligning with your value system, you'll start to manifest in, if you expand enough, cooler things second-hand that are like so much bigger, and cosmic, and better. And you'll start to manifest in cool opportunities that are sustainable. Manifesting within sustainability is totally reasonable. You can totally use this process by being resourceful, and you just need to expand more if you're wanting cooler things and sustainability. You just have to see to believe it more that it's possible that those things can come through. Use the formula towards anything you want and to get a second-hand or a vintage and cool experiences.
Q. I know that you cannot manifest for others, but if you call and people or situations to help others, like my husband’s career who I love and care deeply about, if I called them the right people to me with or the right situation to be in so I can help him slowly build his career. Is that a possibility? It’s sort of like being his part time manager, I suppose.
Even if your intention is to do all these things so that maybe your husband and it can be at the perfect place in time to have things happen with his beautiful career, it’s not gonna work because this is his journey of finding worth and expansion and getting out of his own fears, like walking through them so he can manifest whatever he needs and wants.
I grew up for so many years thinking my purposed was acting even though it wasn’t the right path for me. If I really look deep, deep, deep down at my intentions, one of my biggest intentions for wanting to make it acting was so that I who grew up with my single broke, poor, broken poor is the same thing a alcoholic mom so that I could go and swoop her off her feet and by her the house and take care of the things and get her the cleaner and do all this stuff so that she could finally have the life of happiness because she, quote unquote gave up so much for me. That’s why it wasn’t happening. I mean, that’s one of the many reasons I was also very low and my worth at the time. I have a really great client who has her own business and she’s so, so amazing and she’s just been waiting to have a baby because her husband’s still trying to figure out what he wants to do in his career. Um, and you can’t find that clarity in to god. We have to wait, you know, and um, I love him so much and I started to ask her why can’t you like create all of these portals and why can’t you create this whole career that then can provide having a child without having to put any pressure on him. Why? And she started to look at all the programming of what she was raised with and all the things that were limiting that belief. And then bam, there you go. She’s got to take off her career and she can have a kid and do whatever she wants to do. um, and not put the pressure on her husband so that he can have his own journey and his own process
Even if your intention is to do all these things so that maybe your husband and it can be at the perfect place in time to have things happen with his beautiful career, it’s not gonna work because this is his journey of finding worth and expansion and getting out of his own fears, like walking through them so he can manifest whatever he needs and wants. Even if you’re the biggest go getter, you can see from a mile away of how to do it in order to love him fully. If this is the right relationship for you, you have to accept 100 percent where he’s at and let him be on his path. You can spend a lot of energy doing this and trying to do this, but unless your authentic life purpose as a human being is to be your husband’s manager, it’s not going to work. One thing I do like to tell clients, regardless of what type of relationship you identify and if your programming is that this your partner needs to be really successful and needs to be a breadwinner or be an earner, then you need to be with that type of a partner in love, that type of a partner fully. Look at your programming and see if society maybe told you that or parental modeling told you that or shows and media told you that. And then what you can do to really empower yourself is go down there and reprogram and go, no, it’s okay if I’m the over earner. I’m the successful one for now and through that manIfesting and expansion, therefore you can serve as an inspiration to your partner to help them very slowly and very unconsciously usually start to come up and they’re worth through watching you and start to have success in their relationship or in their career. This is, this has been the case for me. And, you know, this relationship in a way, even though my partner is very successful, he like can see the success happening with so my passion that it very unconsciously like pushes him much further and his possibility and capability. There’s no such thing as time and space. We’re all on different time frames.
Q. Is it desirable or even possible to manifest fame?
Whatever you’re doing in pursuit of fame, make sure it is your purpose, that you’re doing it from your authentic place and it’s 100 percent possible.
For example, Lila is on a really big mission to manifest a famous boyfriend just to experience that in life and have a full human experience around it. And I think it’s the cutest thing. And life was following the formula so perfectly. So, uh, some of the things that have gone up, we’ve been like, find your expanders that it’s possible, like find that the women that are with famous, you know, guys that you identify with and you think that is such a great example. This is so internal, like only are supportive crew knows about it. So she ended up going on a date with a guy who’s been in shows. So he like showed her that even though he’s not super famous, it’s capable of, you know, she’s capable of being with somebody who’s in the public eye and then her dad’s a writer so she went to visit him on set and she saw this other, you know, pretty prominent and then she met his girlfriend and she was like, oh, we’re, you know, I identify that if you have, I can do this too. And, Lila had like three blast from the past come through his test that she had to get rid of. So I’ve, I’m predicting anything. I think she’s pretty close to manifesting this. You really can manifest anything you want, you know, if you put in the effort. And I think that that’s such a fun scenario to share with someone. I don’t care what it is you’re manifesting in what capacity, but it goes to show if you expand, you get rid of the blocks in the way, expand, expand, expand, and pass tests. It can happen.
If you are manifesting fame to complete you from an external perspective, it’s just not gonna work and if it does, you’re going to be met with like a really earthquakey lessons along the way to put you back into your authentic self. Anything you’re wanting to manifest on the physical plane is totally okay. Take out the shame of that. It’s just about checking your ego and really looking at why you need it and want it. Is it really coming from this internal place? If ever since you were little, you just know that you’re supposed to. It’s just knowing that it’s coming from this really authentic place that’s inside of you and that you’re following that authentic-ness not to make up for high school and Childhood and all the things to feel better about yourself.
Q. Am I manifesting the wrong thing? Originally I started manifesting a partner, but now I think I want to travel solo and don’t want to be tied down for a while. Does the universe only manifest what you need on your journey?
We have a lot of control over direction of what we manifest into our life. What the universe has great timing go over is sending it to you at the perfect time for you guys to align.
I have a good example of this client of mine and you guys have seen featured on the blog and the out of the closet series. Her name’s Amanda Blair and she had been manifesting a partner forever and it, it was when she actually stepped through her fear because she had always wanted to travel to Asia by herself for months on end or she had been wanting to for awhile, but I’m aware of and when she finally adam, she like worked through the financial fear of it, like watching. So when she finally moved through the financial fear of buying the ticket, knowing she wasn’t going to work for six months, having the savings and then on top of it going by herself, therefore she met her partner there because she built up a lot of magnetism. Her warmth. Was it the worth of her partner? All the good things. Another example is myself included, right? So I like been willing and trying for a baby for the last year and a half and I’ve actually just reached this place. I’ve been trying for a baby for like a year and a half and I’m willing and, and doing all the things and yada yada and all the work, I’ve just recently gotten to this place where with the house and everything, the retreat house I’m supposed to be in such a place of quietness and channeling, so much is coming through that wouldn’t be possible with having to care for an infant or a toddler or a baby right now. And so the babies and motion, whether I end up adopting or I have a baby or I foster or whatever, I know that I’ll have a child that’s not a problem, but I also, now I’m seeing that it’s going to align.
If you’ve done the work to be fully in your worth, that’s totally in worth with the person you’re calling in, your person will come through. One component of worth can always be like jumping off that big cliff. You’ve been waiting for forever. That means traveling. You’ve been getting that in your soul.
Q. “What is the difference between being triggered, and a natural reaction to a stressful situation? Example, when I’m being spoken to aggressively and it causes my guard to go up and heart race.”
They’re the same thing, and you should be working through every single one of them, in The Daily Reprogramming Exercise.
Every single trigger we have, again, if we were just these totally authentic beings that were allowed to unfold from childhood and beyond, and totally love for all of our eccentric and different qualities. We would already be these whole, authentic selves projecting pure magnetism in our own authentic way. However, because we grew up in a society that reinforced pain, and shame, and programming, we develop little things that trigger us. Little triggers represent two things. Something that’s living in our shadow that wasn’t okay to be, or we witness it. It wasn’t okay for others to be, therefore we rejected it. And, a subconscious block of not good enough, not enough, can’t ever have that, won’t be that. So, this exact example you talk about is, could easily be a way that your dad used to talk to your mom, and it made her shut down, and it didn’t feel good, and it felt aggressive. Therefore, you now have rejected that, and you also get small, and feel the exact same stress and trigger. That’s all just something in your subconscious that needs to be unlocked, so that it doesn’t phase you, number one. Number two, so that you don’t keep attracting that same exact experience over and over again. Therefore, you become your most whole, authentic, magnetic self that’s projecting full worth, magnetism. The whole idea is to face all your fears, be totally authentic and integrated, and then you become one of those type of manifesters that think it and it just happens. Do the Daily Reprogramming Exercise daily for every single trigger. That’s like when people are like, “I didn’t have trauma in my life when I was growing up.” Yes you did, everybody did. Trauma is so subjective, and I even care about the smallest amount of shame that you might have just witnessed in somebody else. That’s trauma. It’s a block. Our whole goal is to unlock and unblock all of these, so that we can shine that pure magnetism.
Q. What do you suggest I do as an end path to alleviate guilt and start manifesting without fear of taking away from someone else’s?
It's just codependency 101. The biggest workshop I would start with is Unblock No.
Most codependents are empaths. Unblock No is going to help you get very, very clear on what needs to be in your life, who needs to be in your life. All the things that don’t need to be in your life. The other thing I would really take a look at is the Free Roadmap. Where you can really start to get comfortable with letting anything go that doesn't serve you. Putting yourself first and not having fear about it. This is going to be the medicine that creates magnetism for you because this is where you've been shrinking. Even if you can feel everybody's feelings, I think those two particular workshops can be very helpful at being unapologetically okay with putting yourself first.
Q. I ended a very abusive and gaslighting relationship with a man. There really aren’t words to describe the manipulation, but I will say that across the board, people’s reactions to his actions have been horrific. About five months later he received a new job offer and with a huge pay increase, I’m deep in your work and seeing that happen broke my heart. Some part of me thinks, is the universe rewarding him for his behavior to me? Can you help me understand what’s going on? When bad actors do so well and receive their own manifestations.
So here’s the deal about manifestation. Whatever is going on in our subconscious that we believe to be true and right subconscious beliefs, not conscious beliefs, so whatever’s been imprinted and we believe worthy and confident in it, we receive that in manifestation if we have an expansion in it for it to come through.
Growing up, my stepdad was incredible to me. He was, nobody’s perfect, but he was incredible stepfather and he was a really great husband and my mom who has all of her unresolved issues, uh, when all of her emotional unavailability came up and, uh, love avoidance, attachment styles came up. She decided to go out and sort of not have a full affair, but a sort of affair with his husband or with his boss. And she also was a raging alcoholic. And so at some point he decided he had to draw the line. He came to me and asked for my permission. I said, if I were you, I would leave. And he did. And they had a wonderful separation and they were doing great together. And then as soon as he found another younger woman, because he is very programmed to do and manipulate to whatever the woman he’s with to follow that this woman was really in particular, very, very, very insecure and had a lot like, a lot of deep unresolved issues. And therefore, like a lot of people who are triggered or jealous or envious, she decided to direct them at my mom. So then he became horrific and took my mom, threw a terrible child custody that was so abusive to my younger brother. I mean they would pull the worst kind of things on my mom to the point where she ended up having to pay child support to him as a single mother even though they made a lot more money. I mean it was just horrific. All of these unjust things. But then they kept being able to buy new houses and jet skis and boats and go on vacations and it just seemed like the world kept getting better and better and better for them. And my mom could never understand why. Why do they? Why is this happening? You know? And she wasn’t doing any work to better her life. It just got worse and worse and worse. But the thing on the subconscious level, because of where both my stepdad and his current partner were at unconsciously and their consciousness, what they thought they were doing was correct and therefore they kept manifesting more and more and more fast forward to every single person is on their own journey in life. Every single person’s going to get hit with their earthquake of a lesson for the universe to knock them back on their authentic path. I’ll give you an example using this exact example. So right now currently my stepdad ended up sort of leaving his wife after 17 years dating this younger woman who was in recovery because he seems to be attracted to some really messy that this recovery girl ended up getting a Dui. He got in trouble because he’s a cop and he was using steroids so he couldn’t be a cop anymore. I don’t know why you picked, just get healthy without them. Um, and then his actual wife, you know, has his, who has been his wife this whole time is now, I think in $200,000 in debt. They had to get rid of all their toys. They’ve also had to put their house up for sale, so just know the universe, and this isn’t like universe policing, but wherever we are on our authentic path, we’re always going to receive whatever earthquake lesson or test we need to really knock us into our true, authentic worth. So even though it may seem like your acts who you know was dreadful as getting all of these great things dreadful and up and use that word because again, if we’re fully integrated, nobody’s really good or bad, it’s just people have gone through a lot of shit then mold them into something that they are, that in our personal code doesn’t feel good or bad. Trump never had the love he wanted. Um, he was raised by Nannies. He was also raised totally exposed to only expanders who believed in everything he fights for.
There’s really no such thing as a bad person. If we’re fully integrated in our shadow, there’s no such thing as bad, right? It’s full acceptance of everything now based on society’s standards of what’s legal and not legal. That’s a whole different set of standards of truth. And then we have our own personal intuitive feeling of what’s right and wrong. Yes, in this situation it sounds like he treated you terribly wrong. And I’m so proud of you for leaving the situation for the betterment of yourself and to actually heal yourself and know that you’re worthy of so much more. But when people look at things like, you know, Trump is a really good example of this on a very subconscious level. He thinks what he’s doing is right. Therefore, he’s gaining a lot more success in it. I’m in a lot of other people, myself included, internally, right and wrong. It doesn’t work with my code, but it does with the people that believe that he’s right. So that’s why it’s very simple for people to manifest on a subconscious level if they believe what they’re doing is right. So consciously, and they also have expansion for it. I like to say that’s why narcissists are some of the best manifestors because they truly believe they’re worth it on a subconscious level and they have expansion for it so they can get it. That’s why they’re some of the quickest manifestors. It’s painful to see someone who was hurting you. So bad received success, but at the end of the day, staying in your lane, keep working on you, keep raising your self worth. I guarantee you so much. It’s coming your way. You are so magnetic for leaving, especially if you’re reprogramming the subconscious beliefs that how’d you attract him in the first place that you felt worthy of that type of love in the first place. So really pat yourself on the back. We’re all here holding space. I’ve been exactly where you are now and I’ve manifested everything I want and you will too, so I hope this really helps you and I’m sending you love where you are right now and the depths of it all it, it hurts. You’re at a rock bottom, but those are the most beautiful places to be because so much comes after it.
Q. “I’m wondering how to handle being in a situation where those around you actively express the limiting beliefs you’re working on reprogramming. How do you stop new negative seeds from planting in your subconscious?”
Remove yourself from the situation or put up boundaries.
Here’s a great example. my mom has still to this day, the biggest lack mentality of anybody I’ve ever met, and it’s not her fault, she just grew up super poor in a really chaotic environment and she hasn’t done the work to change it. So my mom is constantly spending out on money. It’s constant. I get texts every week still to this day. I’ve significantly moved out of a lack mentality, so I can look at it and have total distance from it now, but there was a point where I didn’t because I was still in it. So with my mom, I actually remember this, I was cocktailing at the Laugh Factory on Sunset. I was up in the bathroom because you weren’t allowed to be on your cell phones. And in my little apron, I had my cell phone, and I checked it and it was my mom like spitting it out about something with money. And I don’t know what abundance manifestation book I just read, but I set a boundary and I said, “Mom, I love you, but you can’t talk to me about your money problems anymore because I’m trying so hard to move out of it and be positive and attract a better situation in my life.” And my mom, her whole shadow reared. She was so mad, she didn’t talk to me for weeks, like so offended. And the funny thing is, right before I launched Manifesting because I believe the universe will dry up all your resources when you know there’s something you need to put out there, but you’re too afraid to jump off that cliff, it’s like the universe will push you out of that mess, and I lost all the money. I mean, I had no money, and savings was gone, negative credit cards were charged. There was this like nearly fine point where all of my shopping clients went out of town for the holidays and I just broke up with my partner, I mean, no money. And so my mom had to bail me out with her credit card, and I’ve since like beyond paid that back and been generous, but I kind of had to eat what reaped of it. My mom, and she made sure to let me know about it that now she was having to hear about my money troubles. So I set that boundary and she still is terrible at it and was never good about it. Truly the only thing that’s ever really worked is just removing myself from the environment of lack, which is so hard to do because if it’s a relationship, a great example of this is my ex. We were together forever, five years, and I’m such a dreamer, such a manifestor that ... He’s an artist and he grew up in a family that was all kind of failed artists that all kind of had day jobs and we’re really bohemian. And so he never, ever on a subconscious level, saw a successful artist and what that looks like. Therefore, he’s never expanded out of that and become very successful in his art career, which he’s more than capable of doing. He’s so talented. And in our relationship, he wasn’t a dreamer. He didn’t believe like all of my big lofty dreams. And so, on a very subconscious level, he kind of shut them down and we were poor. And mind you, he helped out significantly financially. So it was really hard to be like, “Well, let me tell you,” because he’s helping out so much financially. But it’s not a coincidence that the moment I left that relationship, Manifestation, everything skyrocketed. And now everything I’ve materially wanted to manifest in my life is coming through all the way up into owning properties. You know what I mean?
We attract wherever we’re at subconsciously, so if you are someone who is very lack mentality, you’re surrounded around people that are pretty broken in a lack mentality as well. So the best advice I can give is find a way to remove yourself from the situation. Otherwise, it’s just going to keep reinforcing lack, or limiting beliefs, or what have you over and over again, and we really are a representation of the eight people we surround ourselves with the most. We just are. It’s it’s simple, cellular osmosis. There’s no better way to put it. We are the environment we live in. That’s why I love all this research now. It’s like you can’t really heal in the environment you got sick in. You’ve got to move, you have to move, you have to get out of it. You have to let those friends go for a while until you’re full unblocked.
Q. Can you speak to the process of going after big manifestations, that sit outside a 6 to 9 month time frame. Do you recommend manifesting in phases to build up to the bigger piece. When I look at my life, I seem to have manifested quite a lot already, so the things I want and that I’m calling in require big time, they’re bigger manifestations. I’m trying to figure out how to approach these.
Focus on micros. So the next six to nine months.
I personally, the way I like to do it when I’m writing my list or whatever way that you’re finding if you like to manifest if you’re a non-specific manifest-er in human design. What I like to do is, the way that I even understand what I want to manifest is, it downloads through me. So that actually can save people a lot of time, who are like, is this an ego manifestation or is it a core want. I actually only write lists for what downloads through me, it’s like I’m getting a clue to my little blueprint, or my road map in life. And, so I go down, and I write down the specifics of what that is. And when I get those downloads they’re not always micro manifestations in the next six to nine months, which tend to come on their own anyway, I don’t have to do a lot of work around those anymore. They tend to be much bigger ones, so a great example is, about two years ago I started to get the download of the Mariposa FN Retreat Home, and I just was not there yet. I financially wasn’t there yet, I wasn’t expanded enough for it yet. But I knew it would be coming, so at that point I went down on my list that I write with all the other manifestations from the micro to the bigger. It’s just one big list, what I do is I just get really specific about what I do know, those core wants within that bigger thing and so at that point, two years ago, I knew that I wanted it to be mostly wood, I knew that I wanted it to have a lot of trees, a lot of greenery, forest, I knew that it needed to be more concrete, glass, stone, wood, natural materials. So I had this image that downloaded, I knew the specifics of what my heart and core wanted, for myself to be nurtured and also what to share with other people. And then I just went and put it in the list, and I kind of let it go. And then through time I’ve had tests come through for it, I’ve found massive expanders, the company’s really grown to allow for this to happen. So, they’re kind of like things that I bookmark, and I just leave, and I let the work take care of itself while I’m expanding and growing.
So what this person’s asking is, what about the bigger manifestations that are fuzzy or maybe they’re a little bit clear, and they’re out there, what do we do, how do we work with those in the meantime while we’re doing the six to nine months? So it’s not that you can’t have these bigger manifestations, or you can’t focus on them, they just go on the back burner or become blurry in your peripheral and then you focus on the more six to nine months stuff, as you’re building into that. It’s not a regimented process, I ask like new manifesters to really kind of stick with it until you find your patterning, and your trust muscle. And then to move forward into what’s working for you. So, while you have these bigger things on the back burner, and while you’re actually actively focusing on these smaller things, because the key component is that you’re expanding on a subconscious level and that your self-worth is matching what you’re calling in. Those are the two most important key components. Just knowing that, making sure you’re actively working in the same direction as those bigger things you want, which you will naturally do anyways if they came as a download and as a core want. Because it’s kind of a little glimpse into the future of what you’ll have, the more you get into your authentic whole self
Q. In your recent video for trusting your gut, you mentioned that it takes about a year for your big manifestations to come through. Is that still true today with all the unblocking work you’ve done? Shouldn’t the time be shorter because you’re more magnetic now? Even for the big things also, what factors really play a part in your magnetism? It feels like you can’t just block one thing to get to your manifestation sooner. I can understand everyone is different, but it seems a bit scary not knowing how magnetic you need to be if you’re waiting or it’s not time.
When it comes to manifestation and magnetism, the factors that really come in is that your expanded enough, you don’t have any subconscious beliefs around it and ratio to what you want blocking it.
It takes me about a year to call in something big whereas because I am so expanded now, small things can come in the blink of an eye. A great example of that would be like buying the retreat house at the consciousness that I was raised in growing up. You wouldn’t need a man to marry well to buy a house, right? Like it. I’ve had to do so much work around the fact that I’m a single woman. I mean, I’m in a relationship, but by tech standards and by definition of income, I’m a single woman buying a home of my own self employed. Well, you know, so like things like that take me a lot of expanding that it’s possible and it takes me a lot of unblocking of that programming I just mentioned when I, when I was small. But the reality I grew up with is you have to be married and usually the husband makes more and you marry. Well not everyone married well, but I definitely had an ad like it was very big on, I like to call it, um, a unspoken rules, uh, where basically the motto was married the first time for money, married the second time for love. And I’ve broken out of all of that. Thank God. Um, so that’s like a good example of it takes me if it’s a really big thing. Another good example is like, press that all want, you know, if it’s really big, there’s a, there’s stuff inside of me that’s like, I’m not worth it. This is crazy what I’m teaching. Who would want to feature that. But then when I see people in my proximity that are expanders that start to get that press, I’m like, oh, they’re coming for me next. And so that stuff tends to take about a year. Big things like that. But again, if it’s like an outfit, you know what I’m just talking on the material plane, like an outfit or a trip birth, that’s all very quick for me because on the subconscious level I’m so expanded in it and I don’t really have any more programming around it. So it’s just like when I think of it. So, um, and how to test your magnetism is, well, first of all answered the unblocking question.
When it comes to manifestation and magnetism, the factors that really come in is that your expanded enough, you don’t have any subconscious beliefs around it and ratio to what you want blocking it. So that programming that was imprinted in you and childhood, whether it was parental media, a societal, you know, that’s not blocking it, and that your removing anything in your life in ratio to it that’s making you still feel small. All three of those components have to be an action to be magnetic towards the one particular thing that you’re trying to break in if you’re trying to work on full magnetism of manifesting anything you want, anytime the roadmaps, that’s why we created them. Those are the four elements of magnetism. So working through those four components, that’s what literally creates a fully magnetic person. I’m with the clients that I’ve had who are all very different, but they all fully inhabit all of those qualities. I would look at your list, the bigger things you’re calling in. And I would look and take them through the DRE and really look if you have any subconscious beliefs that inhibit you from seeing if it’s possible to have those things, that thing. And I would also then look and see if you have expanders fully around it to the point where you’re like, oh, I could definitely have. At that point I would look and see around your life, is there anywhere in ratio to those particular things that you’re still small? And so meaning that let’s say it’s a job that you really want and you’re still settling at the job that’s not good for you or the people don’t treat you well or it’s just not what you want in your heart knows it’s time to leave that, that’s an example of something in your life that’s making you smile. And that positioning because those three components are really going to determine if you’re manifesting or not. That particular thing. And if the big things you’re asking for outside of six to nine months, um, and they’re really big, that’s called a master plan. But in this particular formula of manifestation, it’s important to manifest micro. You can watch the formula and magnetism workshop for them to understand that more. But, if those things still feel lofty, then take a look at the smaller things on your list. That’s a great place to start to really unlocking to letting those things come through those three components.
Q. How do I know when to make a move and when to just let things happen? I always wonder if I should be more proactive about what I want versus being passive and waiting for things to happen. I feel like this about many things, not just relationships. Whether to initiate, pursue or just passively let things happen.
Human Design can help you a lot with this, but most importantly follow your Pings.
Here's a great example, my journey calling in the retreat house in the states. I'm wanting to have it by a certain time. That's a huge no-no. In manifestation there are no deadlines. My big dangling carrot right now is a new property and I'm not totally in my worth about it yet. What I'll say about this to give you an example is technically following my own process right now I should be just like that's a test and expander. I'm passing it, thank you Universe and I'm just going to chill back now and I know you're going to start to present the ping of where to look next. Instead, I've been Googling every night 'til 10:00 pm different towns and what it could be. I'm forcing this experience. It kind of comes down to what process you're in in manifestations.
I always like to submit to the pings when it comes to this. If you've written the list, you're following the formula and you're doing everything you're supposed to do that's when it's time to surrender and let the test come to you. Let the lessons come to you. Let the pings come to you. This is a lot I'm learning through mindfulness right now, especially that there really is no such thing as time. We are so programmed to follow a timed line and hit markers that we try to control. It's like man, the more we can start to learn to trust the Universe the more we'll start to realize oh yeah, I was supposed to have those extra two months because these three things happened and taught me lessons and now I, you know, it's so much better than it would have been.
Q. I feel so very lost and unable to manifest. I’ve stopped working on the dis because suddenly it’s like I stopped noticing anything changing from them. What should I do?
What I like to do in these situations is I like to start creating some magnetism of movement. You could just be going through a deep transformational time as well.
For example, t’s like, I know I should be going to Ohio, but I felt too broke to go to Ohio and Ohio’s only a two hour drive. So this is an example from LA and I should be doing x, y, and Z. it’s actually getting in your car and the most affordable, affordable way possible and getting in there and going to Ohio for the day.
Those are what I call cocoon times because you’re usually going to butterfly. I’m and I go, I call them upgrades as well. When I go through them, it’s like nothing is happening and I’m in bed and you know all the things so when I do know that my spirit and is coming up again from that, when I feel like I’m getting out of that role and that darkness that I was very much meant to go through for transformation and I feel like chipper again and like myself again, and the sun’s out again. That’s what I like to start to create a little bit of magnetism around me and so the quickest and easiest way to do that, the no workshop is perfect for it because it will have you look at all the ways you do need to do it anyway. So it means saying no to anything that’s not right to you. It means leaving situations that are small for you and if they’re bigger situations that take time to leave like a job doing whatever you can to be more in your power. In those situations. It means getting rid of things that aren’t serving you. People that aren’t serving you. I’m setting boundaries with anybody who is making you not feel great. Or it’s jumping off a cliff and doing things that scare you, create more magnetism.
Q. In the past month I've manifested both my dream job and the health and wellbeing space and a room in gorgeous house. But then a week later the job has been put on hold and the house fell through due to the girl moving overseas and now wanting to rent the house out as a whole versus just a room. What's going on? Why can't I retain these things? Is it a test?
What's actually going is that you're creating a lot of magnetism, but what you actually were receiving were massive expanders to show you that what you want is possible. It's just not aligning with you right now because it's not ready for you.
This happens a lot in Partnership. I see it where a person will come through that seems like your whole list but they're not emotionally in it, they're emotionally unavailable or they don't want to commit or one thing's off and it's not right but it's like, well it's my whole list, should I do it? It's like actually what came to you is sort of a test and also an expander. That's what you received.
So, I want you to know that this is actually a really good thing. You're doing things very correctly. Right now is the time to really double down on your magnetism, making sure that you're expanding as much as possible, that you're fully expanded and those two things that you want, this alone should have been enough to show you that you're pretty expanded. Two, unblocking any doubt in you right now that's keeping you out of your worth. Something like this can come around and when you can't read manifestation energetics, it's like popping your balloon and deflating your self esteem around it. Like, oh there's something wrong with me, I can't seem to get what I want. Or it won't stick. It actually has nothing to do with that, it's quite the opposite. What you're being tested on now, kind of magic dark is to see if you can really stay in your worth. If those can come through, something better is on its way, is essentially the attitude. Not something to spiritually bypass and fake, you can't fake that. So you have to do any daily reprogramming to keep you in that space. So when you have fear pop up or insecurity pop up, that's like well my thing won't really ever come, that was my chance. Or, I'm not good enough. You need to take those through daily reprogramming to stay within your worth right now. Make sure if there's any other little things in your life you need to let go, that are blocking your space, it's a really good time to be doing that. Most importantly right now is the time to be in your worth.
Q. Can you backslide? For instance, if things are going really well and you're crushing along manifestation after manifestation, and then there's a stumble and fall and you start losing your self-worth and confidence, do you need to start at square one again?
No, but you absolutely should consider doing the Rut into next level of UPLEVEL.
The Rut will help you gain clarity because when you get into a rut you backslide and you go what you think is backwards. There's no backwards. You're just going through things that are teaching you lessons for you authentic purpose. It's all that's happening. It will be really good at helping you condense and get even clear on who your true authentic self is, and then you'll work through it and move onto Next Level which asks you to fully get in touch with your full authentic code and switch it into deserving this for all the things you want, so it would be actually phenomenal for you. And then for the person who does slip off the work and isn't in their flow, the best thing to do right in this very right moment, if you just need a small simple tool, is to start doing the Daily Reprogramming Exercise today. You'll start to see all sorts of things are connecting again.
Q. Is rock bottom the same as the magic dark? I understood it that both are a sign or a final test signaling that something big is coming through.
The difference between the two, in the magic dark you're learning how to truly build your trust muscle and trust so deeply. In a rock bottom you're meant to learn massive lessons that are going to strengthen your nervous system to fully be in your authentic code.
We're manifesting our two retreated homes right now. Another one in the states and another one in the UK, whether or either in Ireland or Scotland. I found this house that was recommended by Max's mom, everything on paper. It's like I'm back in dating again. I'm like dating, you could not flipping throw something at me where I would be like, "I'm not falling for that." Lacy: But I went up to see this house and it's everything on paper and I'm trying to control it and force it, but truthfully it's a test and an expander as I can tell right now. I'm still being like but I should talk to this Medium, but what if he's the one? That's what's going through.
The best way I can say it's like pushing you to the extreme to be like can you handle this big thing that's going to come through? Meaning, are you strong enough to hold that space and be that successful? Whereas, the Magic Dark is a lot more about like are you sure you're not going to settle for being low self worth again? Are you really sure you're not going to, because if so I'm going to give you what you want. That's the energetic difference, but it's really good that they picked up on that because they're very seeming similar energetics, so thank you for helping others see that clarification between the two and difference. The magic dark you start to get really excited about. That's a big difference. The rock bottom you're like my world is falling apart. The magic dark when you start to get it you're like oh fun, I can just relax when something's coming.
Q. What’s the energy behind a pattern of manifesting nice things and having them break? Such as a cashmere sweater ruined in the wash or a jade bracelet broken or ring lost?
Usually when anything gets lost or broken or hurt, it’s a sign asking you to wake up to listen. But seek out a pattern.
Whenever I lose something, just know whenever somethings you can’t ever lose anything energetically by divine right. It’s just like a law. So when something clear space and one thing, it’s going to be filled with something usually better if you’re raising yourself for it, that’ll be filled with something better. Kate on our team just said that when she lost a pair of earrings that had a sentimental value, once she lost him, she realized that she doesn’t need this thing to hold onto that sentimental value, you know, there’s a lesson in it or Lila, whenever she feels like she’s holding on o something, she’ll lose it. And to learn that lesson that you don’t need to be so attached.
Another great exercise around things like this, what we’re trying to find answers around these kinds of patterns. Try while sitting down in meditation. In the beginning bringing those things in and just asking them to show you along the way or asking your guides to show you or whoever you connect with and even if it doesn’t come in this meditation, it’ll come in a dream or it’ll pop up. Just starting to ask to see what the answer is because you’re fully capable and intuitive enough to figure out what this is. Everybody has that gift of intuition.There’s obviously something being communicated to you around the lines of listening or noticing or waking up the last note on that too. Or maybe you can be going through an upgrade right now where a lot of things are going to be filled with better.
Q. This might be a bit of an odd question, but I noticed that I have panic attacks shortly before major manifestations come through. Is this my subconscious programming rebelling one last time against the changes that are about to happen in my life? I have the feeling that in my manifestation pattern, it is part of being in the magic dark. Is that possible? Is it just me or is this a common occurrence?
Your nervous system could be sensing that it will need to grow, strengthen, in order to contain your upgrade.
I always like to give the analogy of when I have clients who are in a small crab shell and they like get rid of all the people in their life that aren’t serving them and all the things and all this stuff, and that means they have to leave their small shell and for a while before they’re big shell manifestation comes through. They’re left in this totally open and vulnerable loan. Scary place before this really big beautiful shell comes through.
You notice subconsciously this is a pattern and big things are about to come and that might trigger that anxiety around perfection, around being able to stand into that place. Being able to own that existence in space. I just want to validate, even though I don’t know the real specifics of the situation. Yes, it’s 100 percent possible. I myself go through them to very unconsciously. It shows up in my dreams all the time of like panic. It’ll show up in a aloneness, it shows up with moons right before, when things are about to come or it’s like, it just personifies everything that’s going to happen. You may be intuiting it or subconsciously you may just be sensing that that’s your pattern and it’s about to happen and you’re not alone.
Q. My question is about a block I've been struggling with for years. I know that I want wealth and success but I struggle with the motives, I need that desire. If I'm being honest with myself, I want money because I want to fill my closet with interesting well made pieces to express myself better. I want to be able to afford all of the incredible wellness treatments as a way to indulge and I want to live in a home that's inspired by one-of-a-kind handmade furniture that reflects my personality. I struggle with wanting money for self expression and indulgences as feeling selfish, like I should want money to be able to use it to help other people and causes, not just for consumerism. I'd like to use it for good too but to me, stuff feels stronger, like a bigger pull. Is the desire for money always the way to treat myself and express myself? Or is it an ego desire?
It is absolutely not bad to want anything you authentically desire, if you're getting down to your core wants.
For years, I had the guilt that it was bad to want things to express myself fully, my authentic expression. And then when Yogi Bhashan came around and I was doing a lot of kundalini I was like, oh fuck yeah I deserve all of this. And there was a word for it finally, it was a projection, an expression in the physical plane, because we are in the physical plane. I personally thrive on being able to express myself fully. When I was so broke, I couldn't do it, so I felt a real sense of smallness. It wasn't to keep up with other people, it was because I knew I had some projectio, It's like telling a story, it's like expressing myself the same way I would if I were making art or if I'm in a movie, it's the same thing to me, the same energetic. It wasn't to, so I could finally feel worthy around other people, that wasn't the case. Because even when I was broke, I still put things together that were really cool and I still felt really cool around people, so it wasn't that. So if you can get down to your core and see why you want it, it is totally okay to want anything you physically want in the material plane. Once you get over, I don't know, before I had a team and I had any overhead in the company, there was a point where the money was really abundant and it was like, I can do what I want, I can go wherever I want for the first time, I've been so poor my whole life, I can go buy the thing I want without thinking about it. You go through a little phase of it and at the end of the day you're still a person whose projecting an authenticity so it's like you don't, quantity definitely out wins, quality out wins quantity. And then you start to hit another level where you're like, yeah I don't really need much because I have xyz.
When you do reach a level of financial success, and we're not talking like a crazy one, but you reach one where you can go and get the things you want without really having to think about it. Guess what happens? You don't want as much anymore. You start to want to give to other people. It's like the only way that we really reach a level of true freedom is when we really hit the freedom in our own authentic projection and we receive it, whatever that is. Some people, they don't even desire any of these material things on the material plane, they're trying to do things for bettering the world and themselves, which I think everybody ultimately at the end of the day desires. They just have different levels of how to get there and reach it and use their ability to the best of their ability, to help with that. Want what you want, be honest about what you want, even if it could be classified as ego. I have a great YouTube video on that called, Ego. I have a very different perspective on ego with manifestation. It's time to get rid of the guilt of the things we want. It's time to get rid of the shame. It's time to get rid of the programming that's been programmed into us through exterior sources growing up that do not give us the licensing to manifest what we want. And at some point, I believe that manifesting success and money manifests freedom in your life, that's what is represents to me. Want what you want, do what you want, deserve what you want, that's what a lot of this work is about. And trust me, once you receive it, after a little period of, like a hoorah, you're going to start to want to do it and have it for other people, and other things. It will become a lot less interesting for yourself all the time, it just gets old. I just want to give you that as an expander. And I just want to give you the licensing, whatever your authentic needs are and wants are, get to the core essence of them and fucking manifest them, you deserve it.
Q. My question is about a block I've been struggling with for years. I know that I want wealth and success but I struggle with the motives, I need that desire. If I'm being honest with myself, I want money because I want to fill my closet with interesting well made pieces to express myself better. I want to be able to afford all of the incredible wellness treatments as a way to indulge and I want to live in a home that's inspired by one-of-a-kind handmade furniture that reflects my personality. I struggle with wanting money for self expression and indulgences as feeling selfish, like I should want money to be able to use it to help other people and causes, not just for consumerism. I'd like to use it for good too but to me, stuff feels stronger, like a bigger pull. Is the desire for money always the way to treat myself and express myself? Or is it an ego desire?
It is absolutely not bad to want anything you authentically desire, if you're getting down to your core wants.
Yogi Bhashan that taught me for the first time that as physical beings on the physical plane, we deserve anything we physically want and desire, and we can have it. For years, I had the guilt that it was bad to want things to express myself fully, my authentic expression. And then when Yogi Bhashan came around and I was doing a lot of kundalini I was like, I deserve all of this. And there was a word for it finally, it was a projection, an expression in the physical plane, because we are in the physical plane. I personally thrive on being able to express myself fully. When I was so broke, I couldn't do it, so I felt a real sense of smallness. It wasn't to keep up with other people, it was because I knew I had some projection. It's like telling a story, it's like expressing myself the same way I would if I were making art, it's the same thing to me, the same energetic. It wasn't to, so I could finally feel worthy around other people, that wasn't the case. Because even when I was broke, I still put things together that were really cool and I still felt really cool around people, so it wasn't that.
So if you can get down to your core and see why you want it, it is totally okay to want anything you physically want in the material plane. That's the biggest thing I want to say. The second really cool thing that happens, that when you do reach a level of financial success, and we're not talking like a crazy one, but you reach one where you can go and get the things you want without really having to think about it. Guess what happens? You don't want as much anymore. And then you start to hit another level where you're like, yeah I don't really need much because I have what I need, and duh-duh-duhduh, you start to want to give to other people. It's like the only way that we really reach a level of true freedom is when we really hit the freedom in our own authentic projection and we receive it, whatever that is. Some people, they don't even desire any of these material things on the material plane, they're trying to do things for bettering the world and themselves, which I think everybody ultimately at the end of the day desires. They just have different levels of how to get there and reach it and use their ability to the best of their ability, to help with that. Want what you want, be honest about what you want, even if it could be classified as ego. I have a great YouTube video on that called, Ego. I have a very different perspective on ego with manifestation. It's time to get rid of the guilt of the things we want. It's time to get rid of the shame. It's time to get rid of the programming that's been programmed into us through exterior sources growing up that do not give us the licensing to manifest what we want. And at some point, I believe that manifesting success and money manifests freedom in your life, that's what is represents to me.
Q. Should pings always feel good, or expansive? Sometimes I get a ping, let's say to move somewhere, and the thought is really scary or even depressing. Why would I get that ping, a ping that doesn't sit well? Is it my ego tricking me?
No, it's just a little glimpse of what your soul truly desires in this lifetime, and it kind of shows you potentially how far off you are from your authentic self.
A great example is I was getting the ping for like greenery, being in the forest, like misty colder weather. That ping started to present itself, which then the ping started to get louder, and it was like go visit Scotland. And then the ping got really loud after I was in Scotland, it was like don't leave Scotland. So the ping just keeps pulling me to where my soul wants to be, and right now I'm not living there. Even if we do get the retreat house there, I'm not going to move there full time. But I have taken this last year now, and it'll become eventually a year and a half to two years, to figure out how to manifest to be where my soul's guiding me, to be where the universe needs and wants me to be. And it's so funny, the more that I lean into those ones, and of course it's been a slow journey, and it's been a lot of like surrender show me. It's not me like picking up and moving to Scotland over night. But the cool thing is then the universe throws little things along the way that are rally validating it. A great example is Dara, many of you know, who does astrocartography. When she was doing mine, she was like, "Well, I see how crazy intuitive you are because over Scotland is your Jupiter line, and Jupiter's all about like success, being seen, expansion, ease." You know, so she was like, "Your so intuitive." And it's like I'm not that intuitive, I mean we all are, but I'm just listening to my pings, my intuition. So it's not like I'm waking up being like, "Hmn, I think Scotland would be a good fit." It's like pings over time, over time, over time. So some pings don't feel good. Here are some great pings I got in my last relationship that I was in for five years, where I was pretty certain this would be the person I would spend my life with whether he wanted to commit or not. The ping started three years in, it was like leave. Leave. It was so hard that I was so tied up in his family, I was broke. We were such a unit, we had a business together. You know, and the ping just kept getting louder and louder and all of the time. It was like how am I going to do this? When would I do this? I can't imagine my life doing this, and then at some point I was about to fall asleep in between conscious and unconscious, and I heard the voice that said leave, you need to go, and I left.
I guess that's going to be the theme in this, your authentic code. Pings don't, pings sometimes are like holy shit, that's really expensive. Whoa, that's really a life change. And they're just glimpses. When they feel that big and that different than were you are right now, they're like little glimpses into the future. But more than anything, they're this sort of flashing light of what your soul is truly desiring. So, pings are not always pretty. They're not always quick. They're not tangible feeling, but they are the little clues. The little like blueprint of your soul guiding you of where you're supposed to go. So if you're getting those bigger pings that are like move, even though you're really happy and you know, Nashville right now and it's like move to Los Angeles, it's time to just start steering the ship that way. Opening up to it, surrendering, and allowing it to continue presenting itself. A great thing to do is write it down in your notebook and just keep following the cookie crumbs, the pings. It's going to keep guiding you and when you can say yes, maybe to go visit Los Angeles and see what this ping's all about. Doesn't mean having to move their right away. They are your soul communicating shifts in your life you need to make, the road map you need to take, to keep on listening and following them within your means at the time.
Q. Does the universe throw us bones while we wait for the big thing we're manifesting to finally come? I don't mean tests. I mean small things to keep us trusting and to help support us. For instance, I'm manifesting a job in academia, and I'm currently pretty much unemployed. I said no to a test job and had a couple of almost manifestation jobs. It has been months, and I'm living off my Fuck You Fund However, I think the universe has sent some bones such as a teaching gig only two hours a week and as some serving opportunities as a yoga instructor. They do not take up much time and space in my life to block the big manifestation from coming, but they help me because I'm not as anxious about my Fuck You Fund running out and because I feel more confident about myself by being active. Are these small rewards and bread crumbs from the universe?
Yes, it can.
For instance, if you're in a town that it's very hard to get a new job in academia, you need to make sure that you're expanded, that you learn of another person in a small town that got it in like a kismet way.
It seems like you're doing everything right, and it seems like there's two possibilities just to know within your manifestation process. You might not be fully expanded yet, so that's one thing I need you to make sure you are. You might still be kind of not expanded on. That's why this might be taking a little bit longer so that's why I get that little hint that you might need a little bit more expanding. Number two, you're clearly doing everything right because the universe is, again, throwing you little bones. It's like, "Don't worry. It's coming. You're in a magic dark." And you've been saying no, so you're creating magnetism, and that's why these little things come through, but the one overriding thing that I can still see just energetically, you may need a little bit more expanding, but you're doing things perfectly. The moment we say no to things in the effort of our worth, that's when the universe is like, "Oh, okay, all right," and starts to sed us little things. You are getting exactly that little bread crumbs that are like, "Don't give up. We have this for you."