How to Deal with Envy

Envy is actually a powerful tool and can be turned to our advantage. If you’re envious of someone, the reason they’re showing up in your life is because they’re an Expander. I know it may seem like this isn’t the case, but the energetics behind envy are that we see in another something we are capable of achieving and/or having. 

When we are envious of someone, it’s actually our shadow projecting onto another person the elements of what we desire or where we are not living authentically. They are orbiting around us to help us unblock whatever may be preventing us from having our unique version of what they have. The next time you’re feeling envy, harness this energy and direct it towards your growth, using the exercise below.  

How to Deal with Envy

Let’s say you see an acquaintance on Instagram who just got a raise, started a creative project or business, bought a house, or found a relationship, and you are immediately hit with envy and experience negative emotions.  

Take out your journal and write down the reason you’re feeling envious of the person. 

What is it that’s making you feel so bad? Your first answer might not be the root, so keep digging. Now, list out the reasons why you feel you can’t achieve what they have.

It’s important to use the object of your envy to guide you toward finding what you truly want to manifest. 


What is it that they have or are doing that you desire? 

In what ways do you need more of it in your life? 

What are the steps you can take over the next 3-6 months to welcome more of this into your life? 


  • They got a raise. This signals more freedom. I’d love more freedom to spend time doing the things that light me up and to travel. 

  • I can begin to book a couple of small getaways or camping trips until I manifest the bigger trips that I desire. I can also talk to my boss about what I could do to contribute to getting a raise sooner than later. 

This person/situation came to expand your subconscious on what you think is possible for your life. Go ahead and collect as many Expanders as you need until you feel the deservingness of being able to call in your version of the raise, project, house, relationship, etc. 


The Weekly • A Day of Love Ritual


Lacy's Favorites • October 2020