Be Open to Receiving a Life That’s Better Than What You Asked For


Manifestation isn’t about receiving the exact person you already know, or a home you love that isn’t even on the market. It is about calling in the partner that matches your core values, or the home that inhabits your deepest desires, and being open to receiving the most divine person or home for you - even more suited for you than you could have imagined!⠀⠀

So instead of asking the Universe for attention from the hot barista (that you’ve never actually spoken to), ask for a soul connection. Instead of asking for a million dollars, ask for the freedom to follow your passions, and create your ideal lifestyle. Get to the CORE essence of your manifestations. ⠀⠀⠀⠀

I once spent a whole year manifesting a guy that I had been on a date with ONCE that clearly wasn’t interested in me as we never went out again. I’d constantly seek confirmation from friends, asking if they “felt” certain that we’d end up together. I now cringe at that version of myself that was so not in my worth and I look at me today surrounded by my “core wants” thanking The Universe for all of those unanswered “wishes”. The more I out my shadow, say no, and show up entirely me, the more my core wants to find me, and they are usually better than what I had been asking for. 

Take a look at your list, let’s say your list for your partner for this example, and go through each item and see if it’s narrowed down to a core essence. For example, I had a client who wanted her partner to have red hair and be British. I asked her to go deeper and look for the core essence of those two traits. When she looked underneath she found she associated those two qualities with a partner who was emotionally available, due to an experience with a past partner. Her core essence was she wanted a partner who was emotionally available and that can come in any hair color or accent!

Take the opportunity to go through all your lists and boil down all the traits to your core essences. Doing so allows your list to be even more aligned and gives you the opportunity to be surprised by what the Universe has in store for you!

Photo by Phillip Berndt


Solitude That Comes With Raising Your Standards


Lacy's Favorites • September 2020