Full Moon Monthly Ritual
Since the beginning of time, living in sync with the moon has been incredibly powerful. We are natural beings made up of energy, cells, water, minerals, proteins, bacteria and so much more, therefore, we are influenced by the moon just as the oceans, harvests, plants, and all other planets are, too. I’ve now come around to building a VERY strong, powerful alliance with the moon– one rooted in a sturdy, reliable practice.
I love working with the energy one day before, on the day of, or one day after the actual full moon. Understanding the energy under this particular full moon (which you can find on any astrologer’s website) will color the specific energy supporting you in accomplishing any action steps you want to take over this next lunar cycle. Realize that there is no right or wrong way to go about this ritual. You will start to create your own connection and ritual with the moon which is truly an instinctive practice that is ever-changing.
Creating Your Ritual
Here are suggestions of simple energetic imprinting to mark the ritual of this time, but I invite you to create what works for you and leave out what doesn’t.
GATHER | Alter
If you are someone who loves to have an altar around, I love to include all four elements in mine: water, earth, fire, and air. This could be as simple as a bowl of tap water, rose water, or a blue object that is symbolic of the water element. You can incorporate the earth element by foraging materials from the outdoors or by incorporating sand or earthy colors. Anything from a beeswax candle to the color red could represent fire. And for air, you could use incense or the color white or blue. I personally go for a nature walk on moon days and collect my elements from the earth to place on my altar.
MAKE | Infusion
I love opening up the pineal gland during this time. I do this by making a special infusion comprised of: 6 Tbls. Gotu Kola (promotes subtle awareness & spiritual enhancement), 6 Tbls. Nettle (nourishing us when we are worn out), 3 Tbls. Blue Lotus (opening the crown chakra), and 3 Tbls. Lavender (calming the chatter of the mind). Place these ingredients into a large mason jar. Bring water to a boil. Pour over top and allow the mixture to steep for four hours under the full moon. Lavender can cause sleepiness, so drink when you are home and looking to get into a meditative state before rest.
CLEANSE | Epsom & Baking Soda Bath
Run hot water (to your preference). I add 1 pound of magnesium flakes along with 4 Tbls. of aluminum-free baking soda. These two ingredients are said to help cleanse the aura so that your energy is your own. I absolutely notice a difference. You are welcome to enhance this bath with anything you’d like in accordance with the energy of the moon. This could be flowers, crystals, flower essence, tinctures, or essential oils.
BURN | Journal & Release
On a fresh piece of paper in your journal, take five minutes to write out everything you’ve beaten yourself up about lately. Tests you didn’t pass, insecurities, so-called failures – everything bringing you down. Once you’ve gotten it all out, light your beeswax candle and burn it. Place the burning paper in a ceramic or glass bowl, so it can burn entirely.
BATHE | Moon Bathing
It’s just what you imagine: getting naked under the moon. We are comprised of about 65% water, so just as the oceans are affected by the power of the moon, our bodies, hormones, and energies can be affected as well. Moonlight is said to capture both the yang– the masculine energy of the sun, and the yin– the feminine energy of the moon. This combination of energies reflected back to us on Earth have the potential to create a powerful yet subtle effect on our systems. Many cultures believe moonlight assists in balancing chakras. See our Moon Bathing ritual below.
Full Moon Bathing Ritual
According to Ayurveda, the Full Moon evokes the intensity of the fire element known as pitta. This ritual bath is designed to harness the pitta energy of the Full Moon with sensual, activating botanicals, while simultaneously calming the moon’s intensity with cooling and grounding milk. This lively recipe activates the body and mind for focused energy, delicious sensuality and a celebration of having brought your seeds of intention to life.
½-1 cup blend of dried whole botanicals: Rose Petals, Calendula, Ginger Root, Lemon Peel, Lemon Verbena, Damiana and Shatavari Root
½-1 qt. Milk (dairy or coconut)
½-1 cup Mineral Salt
Optional essential oils: Lavender, Frankincense and Bergamot
Recipe quantities vary depending on your personal preference and the size of bathtub.
Steep botanicals in a French press filled with hot water — or on a stovetop — for 20 minutes. Strain and pour infusion into bathwater (set the steeped botanicals aside). Add the milk, salt and essential oils. Set an intention, immerse yourself, and tune in to your breath. Enjoy this ritual during the week surrounding the Full Moon.
Rose petals increase sensuality, while cleansing and protecting us from negative energy. Calendula promotes cellular renewal and radiant skin and symbolizes true and unconditional love. Ginger activates the body and mind for focused, sustained energy while simultaneously relieving anxiety. Lemon peel improves immunity, moves stuck energy, and encourages positive action. Damiana reconnects us with our desires, uplifts the spirit and enables the mind to go with the flow. Shatavari grounds us, promotes healthy energy levels and strength, and supports the reproductive system.
Self-massage with warm oil is perhaps one of the most nourishing and grounding ways we can honor our bodies and minds, and is especially beneficial on cold winter nights. Doing this practice on the Full Moon is a sensual treat that invites us to honor and appreciate the delicious curves of our bodies.
Before your bath, anoint your body head to toe in sesame oil (consider adding a few drops of ginger essential oil to warm your senses). After you are fully covered, massage your joints in circular motions using long strokes on your limbs to soothe your skin and muscles, always moving the blood toward your heart. Allow your skin to fully take in the oil before stepping in to a warm bath.
Embrace your journey with awe and admiration. Take a moment to consider areas in your life that bring you joy, fulfillment and a sense of gratitude. Consider writing an appreciation letter to yourself, praising you for your efforts and the ways in which you’ve called in happiness, or supported yourself and others. Start small — even if you haven’t accomplished your wildest dreams just yet, you have succeeded in so many ways this month. The Full Moon is a time of celebrating the ease in your life so that you can become clear on what is not in alignment and recognize what needs to be released in the next phase.
To prime the evening, I'll be picking up Mama Earth's gifts on my nature walk to bring her into our home, hearth, and altar. I invite you to do the same.