What is Shadow Work?
What you don’t own owns you. This is the premise of shadow work. Learning to love every piece of yourself and reclaiming all the bits that might have gotten lost along the way is the key to creating high subconscious self-worth and magnetism. Every one of us inhabits the full spectrum of humanity inside us. Shadow work is spiritual work.
When aspects of self are denied (good and bad), you give your power away and it’s plugged into external sources that have control over you. This is the kind of work that is often addressed in shadow work therapy or shadow work seminars.
For example, say that you expressed immense creativity when you were young. You freely explored your passion of art until you were told by someone that you love that your art is “ok”, but it’s time to grow up and focus on something practical because being an artist is going to result in a poor life filled with disappointment. As dependent beings when we’re young, in need of shelter, nurturing and love, it’s instinctual to abandon your creativity and art in this situation in order to continue to be cared for and love. So you threw your creativity into your shadow as a defense mechanism.
This concept applies to any hobby, interest, trait, emotion, reaction, etc. The root of shadow is shame, so anytime you were shamed for something as a child, or witnessed someone else being shamed, you threw that aspect of humanity or self into your shadow. This a function of the ego - it’s trying to protect you…
Back when more humans lived tribally, shame was important. It kept you alive and safe and protected your family. If you did something to endanger yourself or your group, you’d be shamed so that you would never do it again. But now that most humans are living in more modern times, this shame function of our ego doesn’t always serve us so well. There is such thing as healthy shame, but what we’re talking about here is the shame that causes us to abandon who we truly are, causing a lack of subconscious self-worth and self-love. This shame serves as blocks in Neural Manifestation™.
Until you reclaim these “unlovable” aspects of self and humanity, create your own shadow work process, unplug your power from others, own all aspects, and integrate them, they will continue to own you. The Universe’s sole intention is to support us and help us grow into our most whole, powerful versions of self. Therefore, each time we integrate and grow our self-worth in alignment with what we are calling in, we are even more supported by The Universe. Then after passing tests, we are connected to our manifestations.
There is nothing more magnetic than a true sense of confidence, and the road to confidence is integration so that nobody outside of us can control how we feel.
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“One of the most powerful things for me that has happened after doing the shadow workshop specifically is that I no longer wake up in the middle of the night with the sinking feeling that I have done something wrong. That relief is priceless.”
More on What is Shadow…
On The Blog
Owning and Accepting Shadow
The Expanded Podcast
Expanded x Ep. 103: EXPLAINED The Foundational Tools of Manifestation
Investigation Exercise
Everyone has denied aspects of self. Even the most evolved Gurus. Take two days to begin to investigate what yours might be and dive into your own shadow work psychology. Take note of anything and anyone that activates you. Anything that makes you feel: jealousy, sadness, fear, lack, defensiveness, anger, judgement of it, or insecurity. Once you’ve gained some awareness around this, you’ll begin to see what needs integrating, for those people and scenarios are simply mirrors of aspects of yourself and humanity that have been denied.
If you can’t stand copycats, it’s a beautiful invitation to see where you picked up this judgement and where you yourself might be copying others.
Regarding manifestation and learning how to reprogram your subconscious mind; you can make your list, you can expand your beliefs, you can learn your lessons, and you can even pass your tests, but until you integrate, the subjects you’re calling in that are greater or more whole than where you are now cannot come through. This shadow work is spiritual work, and subconscious work.
How Do I Get Started?
You’ll learn how to own your shadow and accept it as a part of your authentic self and experience. Then you can work on reprogramming other triggers and upleveling to your highest, most magnetic self. Happy Manifesting!