Expanded x Ep. 01 - Jenna Zoe, Human Design
Lacy kicks off the Expanded Podcast talking to her personal Human Design Reader, Jenna Zoe. Jenna’s work is centered around guiding her clients to rediscover who they came to be by living in their design and finding their purpose here on Earth. In this episode, she talks about healing her acne, finding her yang, and following expanders along her career journey from working at Jimmy Choo to starting her own vegan treats business and becoming an expert in Human Design. She also touches on how Lacy’s Unblocked Opulence allowed her to expand and push past her limiting beliefs and break through her money blocks.
Jenna is truly a gift when it comes to inspiring and helping others to understand why they are the way they are, and how each individual can use their unique gifts and soul contract with the Universe to live their best life.
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Words from Jenna:
"The big thing I learned is that, and it's such a Human Design concept, that we use our heads too much to make the decisions, instead of living in our bodies. That's the whole goal of Human Design, is knowing that your body, and the noises inside your body, that the voices that we have inside of us, are really supposed to be the decision-makers, while we've all been giving the mind too much authority."
"Growing up, I was always a pretty child, and so I think the blessing in disguise of having acne was really being able to rely on, in my formative teenage years, not identifying with being pretty as my main value add, so I think in a weird way, it was a thing that really helped me just be confident in who I was underneath."
"[The most kismet thing I've manifested is] literally manifesting a career that only my young dreamiest self would have even given herself license to dream of. If you told me two years ago, or even a year and a half ago, like, 'You could be where you are now,' there's no way."
In this episode, we talk about:
Jenna’s cultural background
Understanding the theme of your life
Going through heartbreak and finding her partner
Managing her acne
Her career journey and starting her business
Jenna’s experience with Unblocked Opulence and money blocks
Finding your yang energy
Minority programming
The cultural stigma around women in power positions
Ego in Human Design
The Tony Robbins effect
Menstrual phases
Travel tips for the different Human Design types
News & Media
Self-esteem for the different Human Design types
Dealing with rejection
Resting for the different Human Design types
Find your Human Design type - mybodygraph.com
The TOOL that helped Jenna push past her money blocks - Unblocked Opulence
Book: Codependent No More
Book: Homecoming
Book: The Awakening
Video: Teal Swan on Menstruation
Jenna’s Rabbit Hole to learn all about your Human Design type
Where to find Jenna:
Website - jennazoe.com
Instagram - @jennazoedaily
Facebook Group - facebook.com/groups/humandesignwithjennazoe
Supported - freeandnative.com/supported-1
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