Expanded x Ep. 66: Leaving the NFL and becoming a healer with Ricky Williams and Linnea Miron
“If you ignore the pings, the energy of your path is still there, so there is an earthquake to shake you back on your path.”
Today’s guests are former NFL star running back, Ricky Williams and his wife Linnea Miron. Ricky shares his journey of following his pings to leave his thriving football career to become a healer. Ricky has since studied herbalism, Ayurveda, yoga, meditation and astrology. Ricky and Linnea speak on how astrology has connected them and shaped the world around them. They also talk on starting their cannabis company, Real Wellness, to find better healing alternatives. Ricky, Linnea, and Lila also talk about how we can use astrology to understand the seasons of life, for ourselves and those around us.
In This Episode We Talk About:
Ricky and Linnea’s cultural backgrounds and upbringings
Ricky and Linnea’s star charts
The significance of the primal triad
How we live in two different worlds, and how this influences how we find meaning in life
The types of things that prevent us from following our authentic and destined paths
The importance of listening to pings when we’re young
The transitions Ricky and Linnea made from their established careers to their work now
Making astrology a dominant language
How Ricky and Linnea balance their relationship and their business
How their own relationship astrology influenced their brand
The boundaries between their work and home life when they work so closely together
Ricky’s experience with cannabis
Linnea’ experience with yoga
How genius comes through in different states for different star signs
Ricky’s approach to astrology and how he uses that to work with clients
Hearing and believing our inner genius
The resources and strategies the signs provide to help us accomplish our purpose
How an awareness of something can change the story you’re telling yourself about the situation
Learning and understanding the language of astrology
How each sign has their own evolutionary goals
Tapping into our authenticness based on our charts
Finding balance between your moon and sun
Basic understanding of some of the transitions (like Saturn return or a Plutonian time) and tools to navigate them
What you can do to support yourself during a time of transition
How astrology is mainstreaming, especially among the younger generation
How we can use astrology to appreciate and celebrate human diversity
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Lacy’s Intro
Instagram: @theforestretreathouse
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In the Episode
Website - tobemagnetic $10 off $50 or more
Where to find Ricky & Linnea:
Real Wellness Use code "Cosmic" for 30% off your first purchase
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