Expanded x Ep. 140: EXPLAINED Shadow
“When we take the time to integrate our shadow aspects, that’s where the real freedom, happiness, authenticity and magnetism comes.”
One of the most crucial steps in manifestation? Outing your shadow. Not sure what we mean? Tune in to today's episode of The Expanded Podcast where we dive into a specific theme of manifestation: Shadow! Lacy is joined by Jessica and Dr. Tara in a roundtable discussion about this complex theme and its crucial relationship to the manifestation process.
It’s a noteworthy conversation about the energetics and neuroscience behind Shadow, and how TBM work can help integrate those aspects of your personality, your past, or of humanity that can be difficult to face. They also discuss "shadow words", rewriting neural pathways, consciousness, body image and more!
In This Episode We Talk About:
The definition of shadow and its relationship to manifestation
A recent manifestation story from our TBM coach Amanda
The neurological explanation of shadow
Specific signs that show you need to do shadow work
Why shame and guilt are survival emotions
Teachings of Freud, Jung, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson
How we pick up pain and shame programming throughout life
Personal stories from Lacy, Jessica and Dr. Tara about overcoming shadow aspects
Shadow work in relation to consciousness and Buddhism
Interacting with others’ shadow
Body image and how we define ourselves
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What Amanda Used To Manifested Her New Apartment!
In The Episode:
Our Offerings
Looking To Start Your Membership? - Use code EXPANDED for $20 off your first month of The Pathway or $20 off any a la carte workshop.
A La Carte - Not ready for a membership? Try an individual workshop with 3 months of access.
The Basics Bundle - How To Manifest, Unblocked Inner Child & Unblocked Shadow
The Love Bundle - Unblocked Love & Relationships Reflection Mini-Workshop
The Pathway - 12-month all-access membership includes ALL of our a la cartes + more!
How To Manifest, Unblocked Inner Child, Unblocked Shadow, The Love Bundle, Unblocked Money
+ The Daily Practice includes our Deep Imagining Library with over 18+ DIs
+ Uplevel - 3 in 1 includes Rut, Rock Bottom & Next Level workshops
+ Automatic access to any new offering or DI that becomes available as well!
Free Offerings to Get You Started
Free Clarity Exercise - Journal prompt + 1 Deep Imagining
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