Expanded x Ep. 74: EXPLAINED Manifestation 101


It’s about getting to that place of healthy self-esteem, expansion and being able to set really strong boundaries.”

In this episode, Lacy and Jessica get back to basics on what manifestation is, and some of the specifics of Lacy’s grounded process. Lacy talks about her own journey of developing this method, and both ladies share stories and experiences of their own work. There are recommended tools for people at different stages of manifestation. This is a great episode to summarize the process and get you started on your own manifestation journey, or if you’re doing the work already, share with a friend who is new.

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In This Episode We Talk About:  

  • Yule holiday celebration

  • Taking time to reflect on manifestations over the past year

  • A quick recap of how Lacy developed this method of manifestation

  • What wasn’t working with other models of manifestation (law of attraction, think positive

  • The shift to focusing on self-worth

  • How her magnetism increased when Lacy started honoring her gifts

  • The energetics of raising self-worth, while meeting neuroscience and psychology

  • Taking a leap of faith in manifestation, and how that affects self-worth

  • What self-worth means to Jessica

  • The polarity of the human condition (healthy vs toxic shame)

  • How your worth catches up to your actions

  • Practical manifestation

  • How the work helps us get in touch with who we really are and what our standards are

  • Emphasis on hypnosis in Lacy’s process through the deep imaginings

  • Whole-brain integration

  • How you can incorporate this work with the work you do with your regular therapist

  • The three main components of this manifestation process: unblocking, expanding, and passing tests

  • How each component plays out as you are manifesting

  • Different ways tests can present themselves

  • Finding worth in your full authenticity

  • Three ways to figure out if something is presenting as a test

  • A walk-through of a Deep Imagining with Jessica

  • Finding empathy and boundaries in a DI

  • Lacy and Jessica’s advice on some different scenarios of this work

  • Micro-manifestations to build trust muscle

  • Tricks to getting clarity

  • Recommended tools for different blocks

  • Foundational basics of manifestation

  • The flexibility of the manifestation work to make it work for you and your schedule

  • Tools for people who are dealing with insecurities in body image


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