Expanded x Ep. 254 - Vienna Pharaon - Finding & Healing Your Core Wounds
“This is a lifetime practice. The beauty is that you’ve got your lifetime to figure everything out.”
Right now, today, in this very instant, your childhood wounds are playing out – in your communication style, in your anxieties, in all your conflicts with friends, family, coworkers, romantic partners, and more. That’s how powerful our wounds are. And simply becoming aware of them makes us that much more powerful! So we brought one of NYC’s best and brightest LMFTs, Vienna Pharaon, onto the Expanded Podcast to help us do just that. And her new book, The Origins of Wounds, is our new instruction manual. In this episode, Vienna gives us an overview of the book and introduces us to the 5 core wounds that may be running your show. Jess and Vienna talk all things coping strategies, being the black sheep of the family, perfectionism, “unconditional love” that is actually conditional – you know, all the good childhood trauma stuff. But the difference is Vienna cuts through the overwhelming existentialism that comes with the healing journey and gives us the inspiration to start. To continue! To press onwards in this lifetime pursuit of healing for the sake of our own authenticity. We’re all on this path together!
In This Episode We Talk About:
A powerful conversation on all things healing with our guest, LMFT & author Vienna Pharaon!
The five core wounds and a deep dive into how to navigate them all
Wounding, pain, trauma
How childhood experiences affect you as an adult
Vienna’s own life experience and how it informed her book
Using pain as a tool for expansion
How to maintain authenticity within group and family dynamics
Love, connection, validation!
The difference between stimulus and response
Core narratives, worthiness wounds
Healing as a process, not a destination
The five core wounds and how to navigate them (00:17:40)
How to use pain as a tool for healing (00:34:35)
A deep dive into trust & safety! (00:52:10)
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Expanded x Ep. 215 - How To Get Out of Your Own Way & Manifest
Expanded x Ep. 216 - Dr. Gabor Maté on Trauma, Authenticity & Healing
Where To Find Vienna!
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