Manifested the Trip of a Lifetime

I wanted to share my story with you on how I manifested the trip of a lifetime! 

Firstly, the truth is I've always been able to manifest my desires. However, it's always been a mix of different formulas like the secret. Visualizing everyday and staying positive. After going through your workshops and listening to your podcast I realized that your formula is truly how I've been able to manifest, I just didn't know it yet! So here's a breakdown on how I manifested my dream of travelling across the US for a year (which I'm currently on right now) using your formula.

Workshop: How to Manifest


My first expander was my cousin Felipe. He backpacked for 3 years with a few thousand dollars in his bank account. He inspired me to dream big. If he did it, so could I.

I started following Vanlife and RV life accounts on Instagram to the point that 70% of my feed was van renovations and traveling on the road. This helped expand my beliefs and helped with the visualizing process. 

In 2017, my mother and stepfather bought an RV (a fancy one) to travel across the United States. This was the ultimate expanding experience.  We asked them questions such as where they’ve been and on the road living tips.


  • I wanted to find an RV for $2,000 CAD

  • I wanted an RV, and not a converted Van because of the bathroom situation

  • I wanted to have a nice interior layout.

  • Low mileage - around 60 000 miles

It's not very specific, I'm usually very broad when it comes to making my lists. 

Fuck you fund

I saved the money from our wedding (this past July) to fund the start of the trip and purchase the RV. 


  • After searching on craigslist and visiting multiple RV and converted vans that were all around $10 000 to $15 000 and all around 160,000 miles, my husband's brother sent us a link for a 1977 Winnebago , 68 000 miles for $1,800. We asked him to check it out for us, but deep down I knew this was the one. His brother checked it out and bought it for us on the spot. My husband's dad decided to put in $1,000 USD on the purchase as a wedding gift! We bought it without even looking at it in person!

  • Prior to this, I told myself that I wanted to get a minimum 3 years of experience in my career, so that if I wanted to work somewhere else in the future, I wouldn't have to start at a Junior position. Well guess what! We left on our trip at the end of October and on August 28th marked 3 years at the design firm I was working at! 

My current List

I wanted to share with you my current list, maybe in 6 months time you will receive another email from me😃


  • Earn a 5 digit income through my online courses (that I plan to start creating in March) in 3 years. 

  • Have at least 5,000 followers on Instagram in 6 months, so I could use this as a platform to market any projects in the future, such as online courses or ebooks.

  • Guest on a podcast where I would like to share my zero waste journey while traveling on the road this year.   


  • Release my fear of confrontation and need for external validation that define my self worth. I struggle a lot with speaking my mind or expressing my desires with friends, colleagues and family. I'm working through Shadow and No workshops. I've thought of publicly posting my shadow on my instagram page as the ultimate way of expressing myself, but I'm not sure if this would help me in my process. I also applied for a retreat workshop all based on working on self worth, but once I received the confirmation that I was accepted into the workshop I realized that it was wayyyyyy over my budget ($6,000), so I decided to start taking the steps to do the inner work myself. Not sure if this was a ping from the universe that I was supposed to go to this retreat (I would have been in dept).

Lastly, I wanted to say thank you for releasing this Formula out into the world! I was blindly manifesting in the past and now I have a clear path on how to manifest things for my future. Keep up the good work and I love listening to your podcast series❤

-Alessandra Isola (email testimonial)


How to Manifest / No / Shadow


I Manifested 6k in a Week


Shift in Energy