Shift in Energy

I can feel a shift, and I am overcome with tears of joy. I have been doing Lacy’s work for 2-3 months. I hope this can be an expander for those who may be struggling. My “mind” would keep telling me stuff like, “does this even work?” “Am I wasting my time”, etc. but somehow I have maintained my daily work, as confused as I may have been or doubtful. But I must say, this work is fascinating. I think of the quote, “Change happens very slowly, and then all at once”. My main struggle going in was severely low self esteem, socially awkward, social anxiety, low self worth, insecurities, bruised from one too many fallouts in my life, and not feel feeling unique or special enough to show up authentically in social settings. 

Through the repetition of the DIs consistently day in day out, and seeing some results, but nothing too obvious, faith in the process, and patience, I am really noticing a shift in energy of how I am now showing up. It’s mind blowing, I am feeling such more ease in social situations that I haven’t felt since my youth. This stuff is legit. I am crying Lacy as I THANK YOU for putting this out, doing all of the legwork in figuring out the inner workings of the Universe, and putting it out there in this beautifully comforting and attainable format for all. I encourage you all to share how you may have dealt with a similar thing with having the patience and diligence it takes to actually “do the work”, I would love to hear :)

-Scarlet Mann


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