How I Got My Whole List

I wrote on my list these things over the last six months: (I've written a lot more but these are the ones that have manifested). 1.) A weekend away somewhere. 2.) To get asked to play music or do sound healing at a retreat. 3.) To find the healers that can help me into health and wellness. 4.) An expander, to grow my social media following 4.) DoTerra clary sage essential oil 5.) Meet a new friend that lives nearby, is conscious/ spiritual, fun, kind, supportive, trendy 6.) Become a Lululemon ambassador (the first musician). 

These situations presented themselves (they're all beautifully connected so I'll try to explain clearly): I went to see a kinesiologist, and ended up starting a process called Spiral. After a few sessions of amazingness with her, she asked if I wanted to do sound healing at a retreat she was running. This was the weekend away I had asked for, finding the healers to help me heal, the sound healing job at a retreat AND hilariously the retreat was learning how to self muscle test (kinesiology) to clear your chakras and subconscious blocks around manifestation.

Tests : I got asked to play music for a regular yoga class but they were paying less than half the amount I wanted so I turned it down. A friend always asks me to do sound healing with her but I say no because it doesn't feel right. I stopped doing a gig I have been playing for three years because I wasn't getting anything out of it except for the money. This was really hard cause it was relatively easy, a lunchtime gig in the week at markets, no one micromanaging me, and it paid pretty good for what it was. But the last time I played I had this weird penny drop. It was like I suddenly realised I was too good for it. Not in an ego way but in that if I'm here playing to 20 people I can't be in a stadium playing to thousands and helping the world heal. So I said no, closed that portal to create space for more aligned work. 

My roommate at the retreat was a beautiful young woman called Poppy. We got along and I ended up driving her home cause she lives the suburb over from me. We have kept in touch and she works for an essential oil company and said I can use her 60% off discount (clary sage oil & a beautiful new friend). Poppy and I were chatting in the car as I drove her home and we somehow worked out that her boyfriends best friend is the manager at Lululemon who I had been chatting to months before as they were supporting the live recording of my chanting album. This jogged my memory that I should reach back out to him and let him know the recording has been released and he could listen to it. He emailed me back asking if I wanted to catch up for a meeting in a few days. We ended up planning a sound series and I am doing a chakra sound healing series of events with them. 

Tests: I met another beautiful young woman and gave the friendship a little go, but she was a little flaky and didn’t live close so things didn't flow to catch up. I let it go rather than pushing to make things happen. I saw some essential oils on sale at a massage place but they were opened and used a little and I didn't buy them. I was contacted by Rebecca Campbell's tour manager (Rebecca Campbell is one of my expanders, an author and spiritual teacher from the Northern Beaches of Sydney) out of the blue, to see if I wanted to sing harmonies with her for her Sydney event (she has started leading chanting). I said yes, and was invited to her house to rehearse and hung out with her for an hour and a half chatting about life, chanting, and the event. I truly saw how amazing she was but also realised that if I had called this in, that I was in her realm in the same vibration. It was so confidence boosting and beautiful to connect and see to believe. When we were leaving I told her I actually already had a ticket to the event as I had read both her books and she had really supported and helped me through those first two years of my spiritual awakening. She was so sweet and then said, let's get a photo together and I'll post it on my socials so our tribes can connect. (My social media following then grew from that post.) She also gifted me her oracle deck, which I had wanted but thought I already have so many decks, so I'll wait to buy it later. 

Things that presented before that manifestation I feel were connected to this: Luke Storey (hosts a spiritual, bio hacking/ wellness podcast) and Melissa Wells (a spiritual, self love author) started following me on Instagram. I only have about 400 followers so this seemed a bit out of the blue. It showed me that Since getting on the How to Manifest train in December, I have done Inner Child, Money, and the How to Manifest and do the DRE between 2-6 times a week. I have been linking this work with human design - I'm an MG with sacral authority. And once the two came together something really shifted. I was still doing gigs that weren't fulfilling cause I was playing music and on purpose. But really I wasn't cause I wasn't being valued and it wasn’t a hell yes.

It has been super challenging for me to show my spiritual self. I had DEEP fear about judgment and that I wouldn't be loved and it wasn't safe to show that side of me. Little by little I have shown more and more, and I still have a way to go. But all these serendipitous events help me on the path and show me that it's safe and I am valued when I do. I can’t express the gratitude I have for you Lacy and your team. My life has changed so much. I trust and allow so much more and am almost obsessed with working through my shit so I can attract all the beauty into my life that I know we all deserve.


Shift in Energy


Pursuing my Advertising Career