A $2,800 2 Bedroom in Manhattan

Wow! I  have had a major manifestation come to life! After a year on tour I  am moving back to NYC and needed to find a new apartment. I will be having a roommate for the first time, and was looking for a two bedroom apartment in Manhattan. Since I  have lived in studios in the past with an ex partner, I wasn't fully sure what the market would look like for a two bedroom and what a realistic exaction would be. Good for me, because I  made a list that was fully in my own desire and worth and not based off of what I thought I had to settle for. 

The list was very simple, very low and very specific budget for Manhattan, preferably upper west side, large windows, high ceilings, exposed brick, tons of natural light, special vintage type feel, and bright energetic feel. Well after a few tests and a viewing of one very awful place, it was as if this listing dropped from the sky into my palm. I  viewed it about an hour after it was listed, with another couple that wanted to see it, and upon entering it was obvious, this place was the FULL LIST and even below my written budget for a two bed, 2800 a month (astonishing) as well as in the best possible neighborhood imaginable right off the park. 

The broker and I spoke on the phone as he was out of town on a holiday and just by the sound of my voice he said, "you have my word that this place is yours, I  can tell you are a lovely person". WHAT? Not only that, but my roommate is unemployed/freelance and I am an actor, which for an owner of a building is typically shunned upon. And for bonus points, laundry in building (hadn't even thought to bother with that on my list), pets allowed (roommate has dog), and when we met with the broker to finalize, he even took an extra 50 off a month because he loved our energy. THIS IS NOT A JOKE! It really can happen everyone, know your worth, write your list, and prepare to watch it unfold.

-Jessica C


How to Manifest


I Got Clear On What I Really Wanted


I Manifested a Great Deal!