I Got Clear On What I Really Wanted

I was stuck. I was in that place where I thought I needed to be a Naturopathic Doctor in order to help others overcome their chronic illnesses. After years of suffering myself, I am finally healing. So my thinking was I needed to put myself through another 6 years of school and probably another $250,000 in debt. Thank the universe I made some appointments with Lacy. 

Her formula, and guidance on really singling out my top values, opened my eyes to the fact that I didn't want to spend years in school again, and go into mass debt. The formula and really doing some more research showed me that I didn't want to be tied to one location and have a brick and mortar. That my soul was longing to be free, able to travel, work from anywhere in the world! I wanted to be able to tailor my sessions with clients to help motivate and guide them on their healing journeys – in my own authentic way. 

By doing "The Work" and truly listening to my inner guide, and getting clear on what I wanted by un-doing the blocks, has been everything. I am so so grateful for Lacy's guidance and practical approach. She knows her stuff, and she's so kind and compassionate. I leave our calls feeling motivated, nurtured and with a clear plan of action. I have been able to launch my blog, which I have been dreaming of for years! Started my journey to get my health coaching certification - btw is going amazing! & am working to launch my youtube channel. 

All of this would not have been possible without getting clear and doing "The Work".... Lacy's formula really works."


A Deeper Connection to Self


A $2,800 2 Bedroom in Manhattan